Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks

July 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Laura Ng

Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks – Health – Weight Loss

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Vegetarians nowadays are growing in size at the waist. Fret not, I’ll show you how to lose weight the vegetarian way in 2 weeks or less. But I’m not saying that you can slim down from 200 pounds to 140 pounds in just that 14 days. That’s way too drastic and unnatural for your body to take it. What you’ll discover are practical, proven tactics that’ll help you shed pounds on a natural pace healthily and safely without any side effects.

1. Natural Helps Weight Loss

Refined vegetarian foods are too convenient for fillers. But they do nothing to help boost metabolism. Instead, these high-sodium, high-sugar and high-fat vegetarian foods can slow down your metabolic rate, drain your energy and wreck your vegetarian diet plan. Not just these 2 weeks you must steer clear of them, but forever. Switch to more natural, wholesome choices. You’ll lose weight the vegetarian way automatically.

2. More Vegetarian Meals Burn Fat

You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 – 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won’t get too full on each meal, but yet you won’t feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll burn less fat. Hence, eat more meals to burn more fat.

3. Prepare Your Meals

Why leave your health in other people’s hands? You can’t really control what they put inside the vegetarian meals but you can definitely have full control over the ingredients if you were to prepare the meals yourself. Agree? Go google some good vegetarian / vegan recipes which show you how to whip up yummy dishes in 20 minutes or less.

You can also prepare ahead of time. Like on Sunday, make 3 – 4 dishes that you can bake, steam, chop, boil, etc. and get it all done in 1 – 2 hours. Like a food factory in your kitchen. Then you have food for 3 – 4 days (you save time in the next 3 – 4 days). Put all your meals for the day in containers in the morning and off you go.

4. Change Your Recipes

I can’t believe anyone can stick to the same old recipe for the entire 2 weeks. You’re going to get deprived in nutrients, and your body will hit weight loss plateau easily, which happens to many vegetarians. Food varieties provide freshness to your body cells and help to stimulate metabolism. Perhaps new recipe every day is a bit challenging. Then change your recipe in every 2 – 3 days, and swap the meals.

5. Drink Water to Stimulate Metabolism

Soup, fruit juice or green tea already contributes some amount of water in your body, so you may not need to drink too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day.

Take reference from your urine color. Yellow shows that you need to increase your water intake. Very pale yellow or clear means you have enough water. As a safety measure for optimal hydration, spread out your water consumption throughout the day instead of consuming 1 – 2 glasses at a time every few hours. This helps your body to absorb water better and increase your metabolic rate optimally.

I’ve just shared with you on how to lose weight the vegetarian style by changing the way you eat. However, you should not ignore the facts that getting enough quality sleep, doing regular exercises and keeping yourself stress-free will make your weight loss more effective. You should see apparent results in 14 days.

About the Author

Laura Ng shows you how to effectively lose weight the vegetarian way with her proven vegetarian weight loss meal plan (FREE) at iNotFat.com. When you apply her tried-and-true techniques and whip up the nutrient-dense, delicious fat loss recipes inside the program, you’ll improve your health, get more energy and lose your excess fat without suffering loose skin and weight rebound.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Laura Ng

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Laura Ng shows you how to effectively lose weight the vegetarian way with her proven vegetarian weight loss meal plan (FREE) at iNotFat.com. When you apply her tried-and-true techniques and whip up the nutrient-dense, delicious fat loss recipes inside the program, you’ll improve your health, get more energy and lose your excess fat without suffering loose skin and weight rebound.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

conquerweightloss.info – Mad way to lose weight fast in 2 weeks and keep losing weight fast for weeks to follow. But, do not go to the website if you don’t want to lose fat fast and become attractive and healthy THE EASY WAY!

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