Lower Back Exercises

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Are you suffering from a bad back and wondering if there are any back exercises you can use to try to heal it?

Many people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, and even when they have recovered they will still be susceptible to future injuries. I have been asked many times whether people with a bad back should exercise or whether this may cause more harm in the long run.

People with back pain used to be instructed to rest the back completely and take no exercise at all. But there is a new school of thought that suggests exercise, particularly exercises which strengthen back muscles, can actually be one of the best ways to heal a chronic bad back.

The best bad back exercises tend to be those that combine strength training and stretching with lower impact aerobic exercises. Unfortunately there is no ‘one size fits all’ exercise program available, as the best specific routine for you will depend on a number of factors, such as current level of fitness, any other health issues and level of back injury.

Strengthening exercises help to build and strengthen the muscles supporting the body.

These should be focused on the muscles in the back, legs and stomach. Strong muscles will support your spine much more effectively, promoting healing and preventing further injury.

Stretching exercises are very useful for healing, and help to keep muscles flexible and more resistant to injuries. Muscles which aren’t flexible are more likely to tear when stress is placed upon them. This is the main reason why we are told to stretch before and after exercising!

The types of stretching exercises you should do may depend on the type of back pain you are suffering; stay away from exercises which make the symptoms worse.

Aerobic exercises are excellent for improving function of the heart and lungs, aiding recovery and building fitness and endurance.

The best aerobic exercises for people with back problems are ones that offer a low impact workout, meaning that the body is partially or wholly supported.

Swimming is ideal, as bodyweight is supported by water, putting little strain on the back. Walking can also be very good, and can easily be fitted into the busiest days. Start off with short walks and gradually build up until you are walking for up to 30 minutes each day.

Gym equipment such as elliptical trainers and stationary bikes also offer low impact workouts. This can also lessen the risk of developing osteoporosis, which can cause the bones to become weak and crumble. Avoid high-impact exercises such, as jogging, running or tennis, which jar the body and can lead to further injury.

It is best to talk to your doctor or physical therapist before undertaking an exercise regime, and ask them to design one specifically for you. If you find that certain exercises seem to make your back pain worse, stop doing them and advise your doctor or therapist straight away.

People who exercise regularly tend to suffer from fewer injuries as they have built up muscular flexibility and strength. The most common cause of back pain is sprained muscles and other tissues, so incorporating exercise into your life can actually help to prevent back problems.

Regular strength training can help to build and maintain muscular strength which means that the skeletal system is better supported and more likely to hold up to the rigors of life without injury. Regular aerobic exercise works the heart and increases oxygen-rich blood flow to the muscles, making them healthier.

Of course, regular exercising- back exercises or any other exercise- will improve your overall fitness and health, plus give you a toned body and help you to lose that excess weight; great reasons to start your exercise regime today.

For a list of my favorite exercise equipment for working the lower back exercises see the website below.

Charlie McDaniel is an avid researcher of fitness equipment. Taking the time to understand the Used Exercise Equipment market. To see what company he personally recommends visit http://afsfit.com for quality commercial fitness equipment plus used exercise equipment repair service department visit today.

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