Make Yourself Healthy-N-Fit

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Swetha

Being healthy is shown exactly by person’s weight. Weight management is the one basic need for every person on this earth as it makes one’s life better. Over-weight or under-weight leads to various problems, consulting a doctor or a dietitian is good for an under-weight person but if one is over-weight then there are various methods to become fit by reducing weight. People who lose weight just with a little amount of dieting have more chances of gaining it back, hence exercising is a must for them on daily basis. Walking would be the best suitable exercise as it keeps the person fresh, fit & healthy.

Primarily, kids or teens can get major help from parents who can bring in certain dietary or life style changes which would be beneficial for the whole family.

Secondly, try to reduce the portions of food you eat, its better to have less food but more number of times a day. Eating less food allows it to get digested easily and more number of times one has it wouldn’t effect the weight.

Thirdly, have lots of juices, fruit juices is really good for health, have fruits would be the best part as it doesn’t increase the fat in the body, when one feels hungry in odd times ( like evenings or late nights) better to have fruits to maintain your body weight. Avoid sugary items mostly, having sugar free drinks or low fat milk is far more helpful. Drinking lots of water is infact a very good idea, it removes all the waste from the body.

Fourthly, Exercising the best way to get rid of the fat and to build in muscle which involves in reducing or burning off the fat from your body. One should not think that exercising at a stretch would lead to immediate reduction of weight, I would say a straight NO to this coz’ weight reduction needs to be done gradually which wouldn’t effect your health. Have a walk daily morning, join some aerobics classes, or a gym. Joining gym is helpful but immediately taking up some exercises which are tough wouldn’t be of any use. Start slowly and pick up gradually, making exercise a part of your daily schedule, once the body muscles feel the relaxation and stretch then slowly move on with a little difficult one, ex: if one does cycling at home or gym don’t think of burning off 1000 calories the first day itself, instead 200-300 one first day and then increasing to 400-500 after 2-3 days would make the muscles relaxed and stretched. If person is not habituated of regular exercise and starts off on very first day with tough ones it might lead to muscle getting caught. Be careful while working out on them.

Lastly, don’t ever let yourself low or get depressed checking out yourself being fat or if someone else has to pass out a comment. What you are to do just go ahead and work it out and try to make yourself one healthy-n-fit person. All the best.

Swetha a sciences & management fields person, basic interest is in -Genetics, Microbiology. Continuous Learner wishes to putforth some things which are of her interest.

Muscle & Fitness – Chest and shoulders – Part 2
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