Making Your Home Work Out Routine Fun

January 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Is your home work out routine getting boring? Are you having trouble getting motivated to start a home exercise program? We all know that exercising is very healthy for our bodies, but sometimes our home work out routine becomes more of a chore than a benefit.

There are a variety of exercises you can do to that will help you achieve great results and have fun in the process. If you have children, try playing a game like tag or have some running races with them. The time you spend running around with them will burn calories and increase your heart rate. This means you will be exercising, having fun and spending time with your kids all the same time.

If you have access to a swimming pool, try running or swimming laps in the pool. This provides an excellent cardio work out, burns calories and builds your muscles all while doing something that is fun.

Sometimes adding music to your home work out routine can provide motivation.

Listening to your favorite music may be all you need to provide the motivation you need to get started or the boost of energy to keep going.

Try inviting a friend or relative to exercise with you. Having a workout partner can make the workouts seem to go faster. Your partner will also provide additional motivation and vice-versa.

If you own a stationary bike, treadmill or other home equipment, you can use them in front of the TV. Your attention will be on the TV show and not on your work out so your routine will be completed before you know it. You can also try reading a book or magazine while riding your stationary bike or walking on your treadmill.

Another method that can keep you motivated is to reward yourself for completing your workouts.

If you reach one of your work out goals, then celebrate with a healthy treat, a meal at a restaurant or some other activity that you enjoy. Try keeping a work out log. Every time you complete a work out, mark it in your log and when your reach a certain number of work outs, give yourself the reward that you promised yourself.

Just remember that there are many long term benefits to having a home work out routine. Exercising does not have to be boring. It can be fun as long as you continue to find new ways to keep it interesting. The more interesting your routine is, the more likely you will stick to it.

Do you work out at home? Find out how to maximize your home workouts to get more results in less time now at

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