Mass Building Bicep Exercise

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by James Ross

Mass Building Bicep Exercise – Health – Fitness

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Large arms are created with a combination of triceps and bicep work. But it is the bicep muscle that peoples eyes focus on, hence extra attention should be given to this all important “mirror” muscle. Though all bicep exercises involve the curling motion, I have found one to be significantly better for building the mass and peak that most people look for.Basic or compound exercises allow you to lift more weight, and the heavier weight you can lift, the bigger you will be. With that in mind, what are compound exercises and which are the best for maximum muscle mass? Compound lifts, or multi-joint lifts, are weightlifting exercises that force you to use more then one muscle group, preferably 3 or more.

Mass building at its very core is a matter of stimulating (breaking down) the muscle by overloading it, and then providing the proper nutrients for the body to repair and rebuild the muscle even bigger. In this article I will discuss the exercise portion of mass building.The most popular isolation exercise for the bicep happens to be the standing curl, this exercise can be done with a barbell, a dumbbell or even a cable machine. Although a lot of people believe it to be a necessary exercise for successfully building biceps, many see better results sticking solely to compound exercises.Sounds familiar? Are you guilty of the above-mentioned acts? Well, don’t fret. Everyone has to start somewhere. Heck, many experienced lifters had a shaky start before setting on the right path. You too can turn things around, and attain the body that you’ve always wanted by channeling your efforts on muscle mass building workouts that are proven, time and time again for developing an armored tank physique.

Next comes overload. And the standing bicep curl allows you to apply the maximum amount of overload which activates little stabilizer muscles plus the larger bicep muscle that no other bicep exercise activates. For this reason it allows the maximum amount of overload to be applied which means more muscle stimulation and bigger biceps.Instead of doing pushing movements separately for each muscle group, you are performing them all in one workout session and this guarantees the fully recuperation to your pushing muscle groups.

Last, but definitely not least, the pull-up is one of the only compound exercises designed for hitting the biceps. Also hitting the upper back and shoulder muscles, this exercise is imperative for quick bicep growth. A good way to include this exercise into your workout is by using it as a replacement for the less effective bicep curls.

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James Ross

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