Mass Gaining Workouts

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

In order to gain lots of muscle mass, you need to lift opposing muscle groups on the same. My lifting days are scheduled as such: A – Biceps/Triceps; B – Chest/Back; C – Shoulders. That way, you target one set when the other set is working synergistically to remain relaxed and vice versa. This also allows overlap; back/biceps usually involve some similar muscles as does chest/triceps. By allowing all the muscles to work on different days, it further increases your gains.

Now, the actual workouts will consist of the following. We are going to call each muscle group A and B. For example, the biceps will be A and triceps will be B. You want to do one set of A with low weights and high reps, then one set of B with low weights and high reps. Next, you do another set of A, but with high weight and low rep followed by a set of B with high weight and low rep.

 You will repeat this twice, so that you do four sets total (two low weight, two high weight) per exercise.

Remember that the exercises have to be grouped alternately. This allows you to maximally work your muscles as they will be alternately relaxing and contracting. So the order is, again, as follows: Low Weight A, Low Weight B, High Weight A, High Weight B, Repeat. Between the two low weight and two high weight sets, wait about 30 seconds – 1 minute. Between individual exercises (low weight A then low weight B), wait less than 30 seconds, if any. This maximizes the gains you can get out of the muscles and builds muscle endurance.

Do at least 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. Anyone who says that “doing cardio makes your muscles shrink” is an idiot. Doing cardio may actually help you gain muscle mass, especially lower body.

Also, make sure you do lower body exercises.

I try to do squats and leg presses, especially on the days that lift. 3 days a week is a good number and if you do them on days that you lift upper body, you can get maximum gains from the testosterone release from the leg muscles (they are the biggest in the body).

For individual exercises, it really doesn’t matter which ones you do but there are a few guidelines you should follow. First, try to use free weights and barbells as much as possible. Machines that are fixed limit your range of motion, target exactly one muscle, and do nothing for stabilizer muscles. You can get bigger gains by using free weights. Second, try to do exercises that involve the core. This can include doing exercises on one of the exercise balls but is not limited to that. Third, maintain proper form at all times. This is so important that I’ll say it twice. Fourth, maintain proper form at all times. And last, never go below 90 degree angles when you do military or bench presses because you can severely injure yourself.



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