McKenzie Exercises in Low Back Pain- Systemic Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

The concept of health care is very essential in the whole world to all the people as health is one of the basic needs of human beings. From a general definition, healthcare or health is the act of treating or prevention of diseases in human beings. As a field like any other fields, health care is offered by specialists and professionals in medicine and other fields like dentistry, nursing, allied health, and pharmacy. All over the world especially in the United States of America there are political issues that surround the provision of health care that brought about increased debate in the public arena. As a result of this, the process of health care provision is left to the professionals and hence has been made to look like a business in this country.

In this study, the concept of medical health care will be looked in details by addressing the importance of exercises in relieving back pain among patients. On this basis, in order to competently tackle this question research will be conducted among the back pain patients within the Anglia Ruskin University. This study will outline the advantages or importance of McKenzie exercises in low back pain among the patients. In line to this, other aspects that are considered in reduction of back pain among patients will be discussed as will be illustrated in the literature review. It is of importance to note that, the main aim of this study is to provide solutions to patients with back pain by providing encouragements to them on how they can take part in any kind of exercise for their own benefits.  Studies have indicated that patients with persistent back pain should be intervened with psychosocial factors. On this basis, therefore a comparison will be made between the psychosocial therapy and physical therapy in the treatment and prevention of back pain among patients. In this case, the physical therapy will be derived from the McKenzie Approach to back pain.

From a wide range of evidences, patients with back pains are encouraged to resume to their daily activities as soon as they are released from the hospitals in order to help them reduce their pain related disabilities. The main aim of conducting this research is to add to the limited knowledge on how this reduction of pain related disabilities would be achieved among the patients. It should be noted that, there are some other ways of reducing back pain which include behavioral interventions and psychological factors. In this case, most of the studies that have been conducted have concentrated on these two methods which have resulted to limited evidences in physical methods of reducing back pain. This study therefore intends to widely outline the physical method as portrayed by McKenzie and its effectiveness. It is of more importance to note that, the management approaches that are based on physical exercises and cognitive behavioral principles are said to be more effective in reducing functional disability in back pain.

From this it can be argued that, physiotherapy is more effective in reduction of back pain than psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. This is because when a patient engages him/herself in exercise the whole body is pronounced health and hence the spinal cord is in a position to get adequate flexibility. As a result of this, it would be more advisable if these patients would be allowed to resume to their normal activities once they are freed from the hospitals. As it will be evident in this study, researches have indicated that McKenzie Approach is one of the best and hence most commonly used approach by physiotherapists in the management of back pain among patients. The main reason for this is that, McKenzie physical approach is a biomechanical method that is usually based on the categorization of the conditions and patients’ directional preferences that act as a guide to the prescription of particular physical exercises. Basically, this method has earned a lot of support from various physiotherapists as the patient is typically enabled to take great control of his/her situation. Additionally, this method is consistent from the prescription of the doctor where the patient is advised to continue practicing until he/she perfects.  Despite the fact that there are limited evidences in support of its effectiveness, it has been proved as the best method in the reduction of back pain.

It is of great significance to note that, when the doctor’s prescription are followed accordingly there will be great changes that will be experienced between two patients with back pain where one uses physiotherapy approach while the other one uses psychotherapy approach. In this case, the aspect of exercising is long run as it will keep the whole body fit. Additionally, the core cause of the spinal cord pain is a determining factor of which method of pain reduction should be used. This study will prove the hypothesis by making a critical comparison between the two approaches. From the results that are obtained in this study, different people especially the victims of spinal cord pain and doctors will benefit in the treatment of back pain.

2.0 Problem statement of the study

Globally, many people have been affected by the low back pain which is believed to affect more than 80% of people at some stages in their lives. It should be noted that, the low back pain is believed to bring about more sick leaves and disabilities among the patients than any other medical condition. As a result of this, this medical condition has triggered a lot of interest among many doctors all over the world.  The most interesting factor about this medical condition that increases the need for research is that it can be acute, sub-acute or even chronic in nature. This aspect has increased the number of people dying from this medical condition in the whole world and hence greater need for research.  Notably, if no sharp and active measures are taken within the onset of low back pain the symptoms usually show significant improvement within few weeks.

Studies have indicated that low back pain is caused by factors that originate from the musculoskeletal complications which are referred to as non specific low back pain. It should be noted that, this type of complication may be as a result of muscle or soft tissues sprain or even strain. This happens in most cases where pain arose suddenly when the back of a human body is physically loaded with the pain lateral to the spine. According to studies, more than 99% of low back pain cases are associated with this category. From this it can be argued that, there is great need of treating and even preventing this medical complication as it affects a very high percentage of population in the whole world.

The concept of overacting of the muscles in a human body especially the back can result to an injured or torn tendon in the back which is a possible cause of low back pain. Addition, when an injury occurs to the intervertebral discs causing disc tear or disc herniation; it is termed as a possible cause of low back pain.  Further, there are some individuals who experience low back pain as a result of age. In this case, when age increases the discs start diminish and shrink in size which is an aspect that causes vertebrae and facets joints rubbing against one another.  Notably, the vertebrae in a human body are forced to move much more than they are supposed to move as a result of age. In some cases, pain is generated through lumbar spinal stenosis, sciatica, and scoliosis.

The most preferable prevention method used in low back pain is engagement in physical exercises which prevent any recurrence of non-acute pain. On the other hand, there are other methods that are used in management of low back pain which include self care like application of cold, heat and continued activity within the limits of pain. Additionally, engagement in physical activities helps in recovering. On this basis, patients are encouraged to continue performing some physical activities which will help in relaxing their back. It should be noted that, when the back is relatively relaxed it would be more appropriate for patients to be relieved from low back pain. It should be noted that, in most cases the aerobic exercises are very essential in restoring the body motion especially the spinal cord and hence aiding it in functioning well. This is a condition that is most applicable in the reduction of low back pain among patients.

In order to determine the possible solution to the low back pain, it is advisable to learn more on the anatomy of the area of concentration. In this case, this anatomy will help in explaining the possible causes of low back pain which will therefore be a starting point in the provision of the best solutions. As indicated in the McKenzie approach concerning this area, the anatomy of the human being’s back provide a good room for improvement of the functionality of the spinal cord especially when physical exercises are involved. The reason as to why many people in the whole world are affected by this medical condition is because there are different methods of treating it and preventing it but most of them do not provide the best solution to this medical complication. In this case, physical exercises are best suited in the treating and preventing the low back pain since the bony lumbar spine is designed in a way that the vertebrae stacked together can offer a movable support structure while at the same time preventing the spinal cord from any injury. In this case, this aspect of mobility is very essential in the spinal cord. Basically, physical exercises aids in improving this mobility and hence in one way or the other preventing the spinal cord from being injured.

Importantly, the low back pain is very serious because in severe stages one can lose control of the bladder and bowel function which is usually referred to as cauda equine syndrome. On this basis, this is a very serious syndrome that needs to be treated with immediate surgery so to reduce the risks of permanent problems. Doctors have indicated that, low back pain can result to permanent problems which typically lead to disabilities. As indicated earlier, low back pain is one of the medical problems that result to increased disabilities among the patients and hence need to be treated immediately it is detected.  It is of importance to note that, when low back pain is severe it creates a room for other medical complications which make it very serious in human beings. In this case, the low back pain usually makes a patient to be less comfortable in undertaking the daily activities as it is required of him/her. As a result of this aspect of lack of comfort the victim becomes depressed which may results to severe depression.

Notably, any human being who is feeling some pain in any part of the body is always unable to perform other duties accordingly and hence low back pain is rated as one of the medical complications that reduce the effectiveness of an individual in the normal activities. In most cases, severe instances of low back pain are experienced where the pain start radiating to the legs meaning that the victim is having disc involvement in the spine. Most importantly, the disc can bulge or even rupture especially when spinal nerves get involved. As a result of this, there can be other complications in the bladder and bowels. On this basis, when a patient experiences pain and constipation or even any alteration in the bowels or and bladder it is advisable to look for immediate aid from a health care professional. Basically these associated complications are the root cause of the severity of low back pain in human beings. Doctors and other health professionals have come to realize that a lot of problems are caused by low back pain and hence victims are recommended to take the best measures in its reduction.  As a result of this problems caused by low back pain and the associated problems, this study intends to provide viable solutions to the victims of low back pain. Importantly, the different methods that are recommended in the prevention and treatment of this disease are very essential but the aspect of physical exercises as indicated by McKenzie in his approach is termed by this research as the best. Patients are supposed to perform a lot of physical activities and exercises that will help in increasing the mobility rate of the spinal cord and hence prevent and treat the low back pain disease.


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