Merchant Marine And Their Role in Economy

June 2, 2012 by  
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Article by Calton

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The U.S. merchant marine is a fleet of ships owned by the American civilian merchant and are either operated by the government or private sector. The ships are engaged in transporting services and goods and also used in basic commerce. During times of war and unrest, the merchant marine often acts as the auxiliary for the American navy and is called upon in assisting the navy for delivering the troops and supplies to military bases. However, during peace times, they do not engage themselves with military duties and are engaged in transporting passengers and cargo. The ship’s primary role is to maintain contact with the U.S. and the world by means of commerce. The merchant mariners deliver or transport cargo and passengers from the other nations to the United States and vice versa. They also operate ferries, merchant ships, tugboats, dredges, tugboats and other types of vessels on the seas, oceans, lakes, canals, harbors, rivers etc. The number of the merchant mariners and ship numbers have been continuously growing over time. The U.S. is regarded as a maritime nation. You can find the great lakes towards the north, the Gulf of Mexico towards the south, the Atlantic Ocean towards the east and the Pacific Ocean towards the west. Hence, the American waterways are considered to be one of the world’s busiest areas. Ships carrying passengers or goods are always found to move in and out of the docks throughout the day. Working in the ships is not an easy work and require effort, patience and appropriate skills. Architects and Engineers constructing the ships are quite important, but more important are the individuals who actually operate the ship when at sea, they are the merchant mariners, who are highly skilled and trained individuals and derive education at the USMMA or the U.S. Merchant Mariners’ Academy. This institution is also known as the king’s point and is considered as one of the five leading academies in the United States. It is a big deal to be a part of the USMMA and it is difficult for everyone in applying to this reputed academy. Apart form the great GPA and SAT scores, it is necessary for the candidates to be nominated by the member of the representative of the U.S. House or your state’s Senator, where you hail from. The candidate also needs to undergo different physical exams such as the candidate fitness assessment or the CFA. It would be highly beneficial to be a part of this highly reputed institution, especially if you are looking towards a great career in armed services and maritime industry. This academy also helps in enhancing your personality and imparts in you the importance of obedience, discipline, leadership and cooperation. After graduating, you have plenty of opportunities to choose to make a career out of it. Some of the famous personalities who have underwent training in the USMMA include scientists, actors, astronauts and other individuals of high ranking in various fields. Being a merchant mariner is nothing short of an honor is serving your country during emergency times.

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To know more a know more bout merchant marine, USMMA and career in maritime industry, you can log into the various websites for knowing it in detail, so that you also are a part of this prestigious academy and have a successful career.

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To know more a know more bout merchant marine, USMMA and career in maritime industry, you can log into the various websites for knowing it in detail, so that you also are a part of this prestigious academy and have a successful career.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. “The Maritime Administration plays a part in educating many members of the public about the maritime industry, but we have a particularly large role in the training and education of mariners. We operate the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York, one of five Federal service academies. The Maritime Administration also provides training vessels and other support to six state maritime academies, which are in Texas, California, New York, Michigan, Maine, and Massachusetts. These academies all provide four-year undergraduate programs, and their graduates find employment as licensed mariners and in shoreside occupations such as shipyard management and transportation logistics. We also are active in the current rapid growth of maritime education at the high school and middle school levels. We also support continuing education for current mariners. Information for and about current mariners may be found in the Mariners section of this web site. We have developed guidelines and curricula for security training for a variety of people who work around ports and ships, and details about that training may be found in this section of our site. The Maritime Administration is active in promoting awareness of the maritime industry for school students, for teachers, and for members of the general public, and we partner with the Propeller Club of the United States in its Adopt-a-Ship program. The US Merchant Marine Academy The USMMA at Kings Point
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