MMA Conditioning Training Workouts Tips

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Terry Sandhu

A significant part of of MMA training needs to be focused on MMA conditioning training workouts.

You may have all the methodology on the planet, however , if you do not possess the bodily conditioning along with the aerobic capacity to last a fight, all your other martial arts training will have been in vain.

Your mma training workouts for conditioning needs to focus on two major areas|There are 2 main aspects that you ought to look at when it comes to martial arts conditioning. The first is your aerobic conditioning. The second is the conditioning of the muscular areas.

In a mixed martial arts competition, your opponent is not going to allow you to have a rest when you fancy a breather. Any indication of tiredness will encourage the individual that you fighting to go for the knockout.

The way that you train should reflect the way that you fight in competition. This means training with very little rest. The aim is to exercise without taking a rest for around five minutes. It doesn’t mean just sticking to one exercise for that length of time. You have to use several exercises which focus on a variety of muscles.

There are a number of exercises which you could use to achieve this effect. You can squat by using a quite heavy weight for 10 reps, then quickly move on to other exercises like the dumbbell press, the flat bench press, dead lifts, pull-ups, or maybe bent over rows.

Your main mma conditioning training workouts should include a circuit of around half a dozen exercises which will be repeated until your 5 minutes were up. Not only would this greatly improve the staying power of the muscles, it will also boost your cardiovascular levels.

This kind of mma training can be quite difficult, so if you are not at the level to execute this level of training, you will need to build up to it. Start with training all out for one minute, after which add more time as your levels of conditioning increase. The objective is the 5 minute mark.

When it’s possible to complete a full period of 5 minutes, try extending the time. The next milestone would be 10 minutes. The reality is that once you can do Ten minutes of continual mma training in this manner, you can be somebody that is going to be feared. Furthermore, you will be completely confident in your capabilities to go the distance.

As I have mentioned, there are numerous exercises that you can use. The key is to use a a few different body parts in your mma conditioning training workouts in order to get into the best shape of your life.

For more information on MMA strength and conditioning, and how you can take your fitness to a much higher level, visit us for tips on MMA Training.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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