MMA fitness: The Best Way to Get in Shape PERIOD

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Marc Hlavac

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters are in (arguably) the very best all-around shape out of anyone in the world. How do I know this? Because, to succeed in the cage and avoid serious injury, an MMA fighter must be faster, stronger, more flexible, leaner and more muscular than his opponent: any little advantage can make the difference between victory and agonizing defeat, or even serious injury.

In the process of MMA’s tremendous growth in popularity as a sport, the training methods have constantly evolved and improved to new levels. Fighters now get into the best all-around shape faster than ever. Cutting edge training principles are being forged day in and day out in an attempt to gain an advantage in an ultra-competitive sport. In order to succeed in the cage, you have to keep up, or you get left in the dust.

Now what does this mean for the average person just looking to get into shape? It means that MMA fitness principles will get you there, and faster than anything else PERIOD.

See, the motivation to avoid losing and serious injury has forced MMA trainers and fighters to adapt faster than their opponents. Now, while most of us will never set foot in a cage, and have no intention of getting punched in the face,this is a MAJOR opportunity: a goldmine infact, for anyone looking to get into shape. Out of sheer neccessity for survival, MMA fitness has evolved(and is continuously evolving) to become the very best way for a human being to get in shape.

By adopting MMA fitness principles, you will shed fat, you will get faster, you will get stronger, you will be more powerful, you will have more energy. You will also build the perfect functional human physique: ripped and toned, yet free of unneccessary bulk of bodybuilders and radiating sex appeal.

MMA fighters are built the way we’re meant to be built: the perfect balance of leanness and muscularity, with every bit of bite required to back up their bark.

An MMA body is not just for show. Your energy levels throughout the day will skyrocket (it’s been said having an MMA body is akin to driving a Ferrari….all the time), and your confidence will grow.

I’ve tried it all: bodybuilding, powerlifting, gymnastics, olympic lifting, running, bodyweight calisthenics, and while they are all effective: none of them even comes close to the complete package that is MMA fitness. If you want to get in the best possible shape in the fastest amount of time….there is absolutely nothing better.

Marc Hlavac is a fitness enthusiast and MMA fighter that believes the future of fitness lies in the principles of Mixed Martial Arts. For free articles, workouts, and MMA training methods, check out

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