MMA Strength and Conditioning Workouts and Tips!

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Derick Cramer

MMA strength and conditioning workouts are becoming more and more popular for both fighters and those who just want to lose “the belly” while learning how to do some cool moves like in the ufc!

Here are some tips for those interested in MMA Conditioning Workouts

#1 It’s ok to start slow! You’ll be moving fast soon enough!!

Much of what you do will not feel natural at first. Many MMA players make the mistake of not learning a conditioning move the right way or even mastering it first. They try and tackle a million exciting workout moves without ever mastering the moves. So start slow and learn the details properly! Maybe only do it a couple times at first. add a rep each day.. Your body will adjust and catch up with the rest!

#2 Start with a conditioning program that promotes good MMA balanceAgain, it is very common for MMA students to want to use every exciting, new and inventive option for conditioning. We cling to workouts that are fun. What we need to do is find balance first. Ya know, the old karate kid movies “you must learn balance Daniel son!” If you want a program for MMA conditioning that promotes good balance, visit

#3 Start with boring routine, than build excitement on top of that..It’s all too common! We watch the UFC training clips than assume that you become a champion physique by flipping tires. No! I had to learn that the tires (or creative workouts) are the icing to the cake. They already have a solid fitness foundation. The tire flipping just gets the camera time! Those fighters still rely on routines like stretching, pull ups, push ups, running.. That’s there foundation. Ya know, all the boring stuff!

#4 Don’t compare yourself to others!!

If your a very competitive person, this might drive you some but be Leary of this way of thinking if it’s not benefiting you. You can still compete with others while really just focusing on your own improvement. How? You compete by focusing on you, not them. When you focus on your inner health, commitment, intelligence and work ethic you will do better than worrying about all the rest. Then later you can really shake the ego maniacs up with your ability!

I’ve been studying MMA for the past ten years. Did you find my tips usefull? I hope so! You can find more about MMA strength and conditioning workouts at

There’s also some good sources at

MMA Strength and Conditioning Workouts

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