MMA Training – Strength Vs Conditioning

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Because MMA training requires a fighter to develop so many physical attributes simultaneously, MMA fighters often have trouble putting together workout programs that can effectively accomplish this, especially combining strength and conditioning.

Although there are definitely ways where a fighter can advance both his strength and conditioning equally, if a MMA’ist doesn’t have a fight or competition in the near future, it can often be better idea to isolate one at a time. Whether or not a fighter wants to focus on developing his strength first and his conditioning second depends on each fighter and their strength and weaknesses.

For example, if a fighter feels he is particularly weak physically, but his cardio and conditioning is great, he can focus on just developing his strength for a couple of months, such as a 5 x 5 routine or singles, while just maintaining a decent amount of cardio.

Then, when he feels he is strong enough, he can then work on maintaining his strength while then making the majority of his MMA training on improving his cardio and conditioning, or follow a MMA training workout that develops both equally.

By focusing on improving one physical attribute at a time, rather then training all of your physical attributes simultaneously ALL the time, you can improve that one particular attribute a LOT faster. This is a particularly good idea for fighters who have one of these attributes as a particular weakness. By isolating a strength training program or conditioning program, as opposed to doing it together, you can quickly and effectively patch up any holes in your game as far as MMA strength and conditioning is concerned.

Does this mean that MMA training workouts that develop strength and conditioning simultaneously are bad or ineffective? Of course not.

MMA training workouts that train all of these elements in one program are ideal for fight preparation, because when fight time comes, a MMA fighter must have optimized all of these attributes together to the highest level possible.

But if you have months in between a fight or competition or you don’t fight or compete at all, then isolating your strength and conditioning in your MMA training workouts every once in a while is a great way to develop one weakness quickly while maintaining whichever one is more of your strength.

Derek Manuel has been involved in MMA and physical fitness for over 12 years. He is in the process of becoming certified as NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) to train professional fighters and athletes. When he is not training he is discovering the fastest way to both efficiently and effectively improve physical strength, conditioning, and overall performance as an MMA fighter. To see Derek’s reviews of the top MMA strength and conditioning programs on the market, visit:

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