Muscle Building Diet Plan

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

If you want to build a muscular physique you know how important it is to lift weights and do cardio, right? But if you are to maximize your results in the gym then you have to create a muscle building diet plan as well. It is a must do and an essential part of the equation to a muscular physique. You have to supply your body with nutrients from foods that will build muscle.

So what is involved in building a diet that will compliment your workout strategy? There are four main areas to focus on.

1. Total Calories. You should be aware of the total calories you are consuming everyday and where those calories are coming from. Don’t assume you know. Start keeping a journal of everything that you eat with a breakdown of the macronutrient content. This is the best way to determine exactly what your total calorie content is. You have to take in enough calories throughout your day to supply your body with a continuous amount of nutrients.


Adequate Protein. Lean protein is the way to go. Lean sources of protein can be found in chicken and eggs. This is a must if you want to build quality, lean muscle. An adequate source of protein will help your body repair itself after a hard workout.

3. Carbohydrates. Carbs are the best source of fuel or energy for your body. If you cut your carbs significantly and for a prolonger period of time you will find yourself lacking energy and your workouts will suffer as a result. You need to supply your body with carbohydrates, specifically complex carbs to keep your body’s energy stores up. Good sources of complex carbs are oatmeal and wheat based products.

4. Drink plenty of water. This may sound too basic but it is an aspect of any muscle building diet plan that is grossly overlooked.

You should be consuming 1 ounce of water for every pound of bodyweight you have. So if you weigh 200lbs. you should be drinking 200 ounces of water everyday. Just about everything in your body needs water to function – so make sure you are drinking your fair share.

It is as important to spend as much time planning your diet as it is planning your workouts. A solid diet plan that will compliment your workouts will include knowing your total caloric intake per day, consuming an adequate amount of lean protein and complex carbohydrates in addition to drinking plenty of water.


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