Muscle Gaining Secrets to Get Muscle Fast

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Vince

Muscle Gaining Secrets to Get Muscle Fast – Health – Fitness

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As a trainer I am always asked for the muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, as a trainer it is my job to teach the client how to build muscle so I explain to them that there are no secrets. It is knowledge and dedication that builds muscle so I explain this fearing that I will lose a client once I teach them now it is done. To this day I have not lost a client yet, they like that I am honest and explain everything. Also it is the way that I motivate them and always have new exercises and techniques to keep them on the fast track to reaching their goals. That is my goal online to pass on my experience to help more people reach their potential.

There are many different exercises and techniques to learn and more being discovered on a regular basis, an important aspect of this is also how these are put together in your workout to reach your goals.Major Muscle Groups I am someone that sticks to the basics and will go back to the basics if a plateau is reached, a main technique is to work major muscle groups first in the workout. This gives you the most energy whn you are fresh to handle heavier weights, I will add a small muscle group to finish the workout. Usually the small muscle worked will be the secondary muscle to the major muscle that was worked, an example would be the triceps with the chest or the biceps with the back.

The reason for this is to prevent the smaller muscle from being over trained, when hitting the major muscle the smaller secondary muscle is already partially worked. Adding an exercise for the smaller muscle that targets that muscle gives it a good workout for growth, also it benefits from the hormone produced by the larger muscle worked. By working the smaller muscle on a different day it will be getting hit 2 to 4 times a week and that has a high probability of being overworked and hurting both workouts by reducing the amount of weight that can be lifted.Compound exercises Compound exercises provide many benefits towards reaching different goals, a compound exercise works more then one muscle group in the exercise. These can be the primary and secondary muscle or two different muscle groups entirely. These exercises are more beneficial for shaping and toning the body, where the whole body can get hit with just two or three compound exercises, it allows for the whole body to get hit in one workout a couple times a week.Because of the amount of energy expended during these exercises, it also provides some sort or cardio training in your weight workout. I like this type of cardio because it is performed under a physical load instead of a repeated movement, this works towards strengthening your heart and lungs.Muscle Confusion This is an important training technique, muscles adapt to movements after a period of time and become effecient at performing the task. This effeciency stops the sort of stress that exercise creates to build muscle, by changing the exercises this keeps the muscles in a state of confusion and continues to force muscle growth. The time frame for change is different for everyone but a good estimate is four to six weeks, as you learn how your body responds to exercise it will become easier to understand how to keep the muscle confusion going.Instinctive Training There are no muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, there is just knowing how to make the muscles grow and being dedicated to the training necessary to build muscles. As you learn you will start to understand your body and begin using a technique called instinctive training, then you will learn to put other techniques together to build lean muscle workouts using compound exercises involving major muscle groups. This is how you will get muscle fast and keep the body in a state of muscle confusion.

You can learn more about muscle gaining secrets and how to Get Muscle Fast here.

About the Author

Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

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Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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