Navy Seals Training Program – Tacfit Commando

June 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Leslie Waler

Navy Seals Training Program – Tacfit Commando – Health – Weight Loss

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Navy Seals training program is perceived to be one of the most challenging periods of time a young man can deal with. Navy Seals are expected to be able to survive a great amount of physical strain, be able to function day in and day out in combat conditions, to be able to adapt both on sea and land, since apart from being able to swim fast over long distance, they also go through a lot of difficult and exerting workout phase on land, not to mention have top notch weapon training and discipline. Click Here For Tacfit Commando Instant Access Now!Civilians must understand that military fitness is nowhere close to gym fitness and training programs you may know which are focused on fat loss, or muscle building. Most of the Navy Seals training workouts are done outdoors and not in gym. A greater emphasis is given on body weight exercises rather than on weight training. Training is done with a lot of added equipment carried or strapped to the body, in full military gear and not in comfortable gym shorts.In Navy Seals training program, one can expect to do a lot of circuit training that involves strength and cardio exercises in rapid succession. Doing both long duration cardio and sprinting is something you can expect, as is running through water, uphill, or on uncomfortable terrain.It is very important to be able to perform under time constraints. They don’t have all the time in the world and they can’t take a break unless their drill sergeant allows it. This is very different from the air conditioned, free spirit atmosphere of the gym.Navy Seals training program entails quick recovery from physical exertion in order to have the ability to perform once more. Trainees must eventually have the ability to charge the enemy even if they are tired. There is no excuse for failure because the price of it may be high.Click Here For Tacfit Commando Instant Access Now!

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This author writes about Combat Training Techniques and Tacfit Commando.

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Leslie Waler

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This author writes about Combat Training Techniques and Tacfit Commando.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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