NEPTUNE Fluid Rower

December 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • watts
  • level and has a heart rate receiver built in. Patented Variable Fluid Resistance Variable Water Volume From 9 – 17 Liters emulates real water rowing conditions Ergonomic Handle Prevents Strains on Arms
  • revolutions per minute
  • speed
  • whole body workout Instantly Adaptable Exercise Intensity allows you to vary your workouts quickly and easily Suitable For the Whole Family – any age

Product Description
he Neptune is a high quality home rower that was developed by professional rowers. It?s appealing to the sedentary majority as a sustainable whole body workout on up to athletes in training. The Neptune was designed and engineered by craftsmen using only the highest quality components to ensure your complete satisfaction of function, performance and reliability. The Neptune Rower by First Degree Fitness was developed to deliver the feeling, sound and sight of real o… More >>

NEPTUNE Fluid Rower

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