Next-Level Flat Stomach Exercises

August 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Paolo Basauri

Next-Level Flat Stomach Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Flat stomach exercises are great to keep your torso in shape, however, as you spend more time in your training, you’ll find out that you need something more, you need advanced flat stomach exercises. Yet, few people take advantage of flat stomach exercises, and they keep doing routines that will show no further improvement in their stomachs.

The Vacuum

One of these advanced but simple exercises is the vacuum. The vacuum is a stomach exercise that has been practiced for years by bodybuilders across the world. But don’t be fooled, although it may sound simple, it is hard to master. The vacuum targets your transverse abdominus muscles, the deeper muscles in your abs section and the most important part of your core. Because of this, the vacuum should be the first exercise to master in order to provide a solid foundation to the development of the other muscles. Here’s how to do it:

Inhale until your lungs are full.

1.While slowly exhaling, try bring your belly button towards your spine.

2.Once you feel your sides tighten, hold the position for 10 seconds.

3.Exhale. This is one repetition.

Upside-Down Dumbbell lift

Another of the flat stomach exercises, that’ll help you reach the next level, is the Upside-Down Dumbbell Lift. This is an advanced exercises that should be done correctly to avoid injuries and serious conditions. Do not attempt to do it without first consulting with a professional trainer:

1.Lie down on your stomach on a weight bench

2.Border your torso off the edge of the weight bench and clasp a flat weight against your chest with the arms crossed.

3.Move up and down, using your stomach only to make the movements. If you feel the burn on other sides, stop doing the exercise, you are doing it wrong.

These two flat stomach exercises will help you reach new levels of fitness on your stomach area, however they’ll be of little help if you don’t add to them a healthy diet and a cardio training program. These two additional things will help you get rid of the fat on your body, a fat that keeps your worked out abs from showing.

I recommend you to work with an interval cardio program. Interval training will speed up your fat burning results and you’ll be ready to show your healthy body in no time. There are more advanced abs exercises for you to try, but first learn to master these two flat stomach exercises. Good luck!

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Learn how to get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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Paolo Basauri

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