No Weights Needed to Get Great Arm Exercises

January 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jack Bush

Any time you perform arm exercises, the muscles that are influenced the most are of course your biceps, triceps, and all the muscles that are located in your hands and in your wrist. The only arm exercises that work do not have to always be curling dumbbells or other weight related activities. Because weights are not always available when you want to work on your arms, there are alternatives. There are some arm strengthening exercises out there that do not require weights that you can do. The most effective of these weightless exercises are pushups and pull ups. These are effective for either gender. When using these exercises on a regular basis, women find that their arm flab begins to disappear.

Time and money are required to be a member of a fitness center. This sometimes can be the reason that we don’t attend. In developing your arms you do not have to have a fitness center. Exercising at home without the use of weights can give you just as good of results in your arms. Worried that you need to go by some exercise equipment? No need to worry. All you need is your body.

Pull Ups and Push Ups

Pushups: What exercise routine across the country does not include pushups? They are so easy. The very issues they can be done with them are innumerable. What to stay at the bottom position of a push up for longer? It can be done. Add resistance and increase the level of difficulty just by elevating your feet as you perform the exercise. Yes, these are arm muscles, but they are also great for the chest and shoulders.

Pull Ups: It is only pulling your body up with your arms. Look around for horizontal bar to performed the pull ups on. Grab on to the horizontal bar as you’re lying under it within overhand grip. Pull yourself up and you will then be performing a supine pull up. The biceps really get targeted if you pull up as you are sitting under the bar.

Develop Stronger Hands and Wrists

Chinese Hand Balls: Just place the Chinese balls in your hand and hold them parallel to the ground. The number of balls used in the beginning will be two. Over time it can increase up to six. Keep the balls constantly moving with using your fingers well at the same time not bumping them together. It stretches your hands and even your arm muscles. Arthritis patients can find is beneficial.

Massage Rings: Squeezing the rings in a rhythmic pattern is the key. Made out of rubber they possess nodules that help in the exercise. Plan on two to three sets of twenty squeezes a day.

The thought of many people is that no weights used in arm exercises are more natural. They actually simulate the motions the arms encounter each day. Faster muscle development can be found when using weights in the exercise regimen. Your results will last longer when you develop your muscles using natural exercises. Give it some time. You get lifelong benefits when you perform arm exercises with no weights.

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