One Common Theme Across All Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs : Perform To Your Maximum To Build Muscles

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Nick C.

One Common Theme Across All Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs : Perform To Your Maximum To Build Muscles

This is one concept that gets emphasized in most of the Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs but is ignored by most of the trainers most of the time. The idea is in fact quite simple – train your body to a point where it can take no more. This concept is often referred to as High Intensity Training. In simple terms it means that you should push your muscles to the point where they really cannot take anymore of the stress. It is at this point that you achieve that phenomenal growth.

This idea is vital and perhaps the biggest barrier between those who are successful in building muscles against those whose efforts go in vain and they do not achieve the maximum output of their workouts. More than often the difference is a result of something very minor and negligible. More than often the difference comes up because of that last 1% of effort that is neglected.

Having said that let me elaborate on idea a little more. The main mantra of bodybuilding success that is highlighted in most Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs is intensity and progression. It is just about how much intensity you are ready to put into your workouts. In simple terms it turns out how much effort do you put in your each workout, each set, each rep. This is going to determine wether you are going to trigger that adaptive muscle response or not. Remember your first few sets are just to warm up those muscles and bring you to that state where your muscles become fatigued and every extra rep that you do demand a lot more effort from them.

The second mantra in most Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs is progression, explaining in simple terms it is continuously increasing the load that you can take. After sometimes your muscles get accustomed to the weight, performing 20 push ups daily for a year will not help you really gain a lot of muscle mass. You need to make a progress by gradually increasing the weights or stress that you are putting on your body muscles.

Most of the people miss out on these two by a small margin. The most common cause is that little lazy attitude where they walk into a gym as if they are out to stroll and relax. They will do few push ups and then look around and then do the rest of them or they will just throw around a few weights and think they are done. It is this approach that lets them down. When one enters the gym the focus should be on putting your hundred percent. When you are doing push ups try to do them in the fastest time with maximum effort. Try to minimize your gym time accordingly by focussing only on your workouts and giving them your hundred percent attention.

Most of the Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs focus on the same idea only. Sean Nalewanyj’s Truth About Building Muscle, is one such program that pus the maximum emphasis on this kind of intensity training. It is one of the top BodyBuilding Program and bodybuilding program. Here is an in depth review of sean nalewanyj’s truth about building muscle. Other really good BodyBuilding Program is The Musclehead. You can read complete review of The Musclehead for more details.

If you are looking for a Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs for building up muscle I suggest you to read this detailed article on Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs . It gives you a much better idea on how to choose a BodyBuilding Program that completely meets your needs.

Nick C.

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