Overview of the Zoga Stretching Routine

December 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Roxanne Daniels

The Zoga daily stretching routine is said to relieve joint discomfort and stiffness and decrease muscle spasms. It is usually created to boost energy, lessen stress and raise range of motion. Furthermore, the stretching routine will lengthen muscles, decompress joints, improve posture and increase athletic performance. Here is a detailed summary of the Zoga Stretching Routine.

What is Zoga Stretching?Zoga was developed by Dr. Suzanne Osborne of Pure Life Inc. Dr. Osborne is also the author of the book “Pure Life, The Pura Vida Journey”. She’s a retired Doctor of Chiropractic and is now an active holistic health and fitness instructor.

If done daily, these low-impact stretches will boost your flexibility. Also, lots of people claim that it simply makes them feel better. There are plenty of stretching routines currently available; however Zoga is different because in place of concentrating on just one body part it is more like a fairly easy variation of Yoga. You move your entire body to make a sweeping circuit of stretching as opposed to individual stretches. Zoga uses physical therapy and treatment type stretches.

Everyone can perform the Zoga stretching routine to increase flexibility in a quick and easy manner without much thought; yet it’s designed in a specific structure to relax some joints and muscles prior to stretching others. Zoga stretching routine can be finished within 8-10 min’s a day, split into 2 parts. Part 1 is standing up and part 2 is completed on the floor. Some people choose to get started with part two right off the bat each morning, when still in bed. This is particularly handy for seniors or those struggling with lower back pain or joint disease.

Don’t be worried about going to a work out center for these stretches. All you need is just a little area to stretch out plus a thick pad. The more padding the better it is. To start:

1. Take off your footwear.2. Put on loose, comfortable clothing.3. Minimize disturbances. Turn off your cell phone ringer if you possibly can. You can also turn on some comforting songs.

Attempt to get into a regular program. As stated by Dr. Osborne, repeating the exact same routine daily can help enhance neurological path ways and alerts your body to unwind all the more deeply.

Breathe deeply. Stay in front of any full length mirror when possible to examine your form. Gradually you are able to close your eyes while you execute the stretching routine to help you enhance your concentration.

Execute each stretch two times consecutively. Once you become familiar with the routine, you may want to increase the amount of repetitions. For exercises having a left to right motion Dr. Osborne says to “always move toward the left side first. Go to the left side first, and then go to the right side. For example, if you are stretching your back by bending to the side, then you would reach with your right hand and bend to the left side first.”

She also suggests not to count during the stretching routine. Rather it must be more about relaxing and it should be a calming experience. Hold the stretches so long as you comfortably can. Understand the routine so each stretch goes into your next one.

The whole Zoga stretching routine involves your warm up, then your standing up stretches of lower back, neck, shoulder, “swimming” stretches, and “fencing & chopping wood” stretches. Going at this moment on the mat, the stretches incorporate low back warm up, raise and twist and then the runners stretches. The stretching routine is ended with a cool down.

The information on the stretching routine website is available to everyone at no charge. Check out this valuable resource to get all the information you need in order to implement a safe and effective stretching routine into your daily activities.

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