Pain Stopping Lower Back Exercise

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Darvin J. Hooey

<div>Both lower back exercise and lower back relief are very frequent internet searches. Why? Because many people suffer from lower back pain. This article discusses some of the reasons for and some ways to avoid back pain.</div><span style=”font-size: medium;”>What’s the Cause and Solution?</span>

There are two sides to the coin called lower back pain, two main culprits. The first cause is simply the amount of wear and tear the lower back goes through on a regular basis. Sitting or standing, the lower back is under constant strain. If you then add overuse to the mix, it’s amazing to me that more people aren’t plagued by lower back pain! Lack of lower back exercise is the second main cause. Of course, there may be a medical reason for your back pain, but the focus here will be the two causes you can realistically do something to avoid.

What can you do to avoid the first cause? You can decrease the strain on your lower back by placing less pressure on it and using it more appropriately. This means paying more attention to your posture! This is critical when you are lifting, standing or sitting. When standing a natural curve forward should exist in your lower back. It’s also critical to wear shoes with sufficient arch support. Lower back exercise will help with maintaining the proper curve, but if this doesn’t come natural to you, you will have to make a conscious effort to maintain this curve. When sitting, a good ergonomic chair is crucial! Most importantly, your chair should provide sufficient support for your lower back, to prevent it from curving the wrong way. When lifting, do NOT bend at your waist. Not bending at the waist forces your legs to do the work, rather than putting the strain on your back! Aviding the second main cause is simple… get more lower back exercise! These exercises will help you stretch and strengthen your lower back muscles, which can help with existing pain and help prevent future issues.

<span style=”font-size: medium;”>Which Exercises Should I Do?</span>

Both strengthening and stretching are important to avoiding lower back injuries. Let’s address the strengthening issue first. There are quite a few exercises that work best with free weights or gym type machines or equipment. I personally prefer at home workouts, mostly without weights. However, I know that some of you still insist on going to the a health club, so here are a few select lower back exercises you can ask about at the health club the next time you’re there:

DeadliftMachine Back ExtensionsExercise Ball Lower Back ExtensionsThere are others that draw on the lower back to a degree, but these target the lower back almost exclusively. Therefore, you should start off with little to no weight when doing the first two exercises.

As far as stretching goes, there are plenty of basic and fad stretches you can do out there, but the most effective method I’ve found is centuries old! This method is called yoga. In my opinion, it is the best lower back exercise out there! Put simply, the series of poses that yoga consists of, safely stretch not only the lower back and other the rest of your muscles, but it also stretches your ligaments and tendons too. New students have reported increases in flexibility of more than 35% in as little as eight weeks!

I am not a doctor, but these exercises have made a world of difference for me…

If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world’s best resource. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts!

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