Perfect Push-Ups

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Mark Shrigley

Perfect Push-Ups – Health – Fitness

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We all heard whenever someone lifts a heavy object, they should bend their knees properly and put their rear close to the floor. Then grab the object and lift with your legs, not your back. Good advice. You have to take care of that back.

Something happened to me a several months ago when I was doing push-ups with the “perfect push-ups” device. Instead of placing the palms of my hands shoulder length, I tried something different. Instead, I placed my hands in a wide position, in other words, far apart, outside of the should length position. Now this wasn’t the first time I had done push-ups this way. I would also bench-press using a wide grip – no problem.

I was only doing twenty of them and all of the sudden, something pulled in my back. I went down in a flash, pain pulsing through the middle of my back. I eventually got up and laid down for a while. It wasn’t until three weeks later, I was able to do push-ups once again. During that time though, my back was very soar and my movements were somewhat limited. I should have seen a chiropractor, but didn’t.

Six months later, I was doing the same wide spread on the perfect-pushup device, and everything was ok. I did it for a couple weeks. One day at work (a day after I did the wide spread push-ups), I stood up from my desk just to stretch my arms a little. All of a sudden, the same pain throbbed through the middle of my back. It felt like there was a catch. It took me an hour to be about half way mobile again. The next two weeks, my back was very soar. I went back doing my push-ups, but this time, I learned my lesson. Before I did my wide spread push-ups, I would warm up first, getting the blood circulating through my back muscles. Then, when doing the wide spread push-ups (using Perfect-Pushups), I didn’t have my hands spread as far. This put less stress on my middle back. So far, no more back problems, and no trips to see a chiropractor. Though, as common sense would have it, I should’ve seen one when I developed back pains. At least this time, I know what to do.

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Mark Shrigley

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