Physical Fitness for Kids is Essential

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Jesse Regan

Gone are the days when neighborhood kids are more often seen racing by the roadside, skipping ropes, or playing hide-and-seek. Instead, they are most likely found huddled in a friend’s living room playing video games or watching cartoons. That is not the case though when TV was still in black-and-white. Today’s kids definition for leisure is closely related to computer gaming. To gather friends means getting the latest version of a role-playing computer online game or showing a newly-release DVD version of a hit animated film

Kids are also insatiable monsters when it comes to junk food consumption, which is why snack food producers target them most in their advertisements. The kids do not need hard selling of fares with generous amounts of cholesterol and sugar. However, it would take words of an ace sales representative to goad them into eating anything made of veggies or fish. Their eating habits are usually influenced by TV commercials and not by what but nutritionists or doctors say.

This only shows that today’s kids have a way of life that is, perhaps, enjoyable but also harmful. Cases of obesity among them have risen in numbers. Bad cholesterol has stricken many young ones with hypertension. The chocolates, ice cream, and cookies have also made some suffer diabetes early on. The sedentary lifestyle and the bad diet naturally make them physically and mentally weak.

To deprive them absolutely the anomalous snack and TV is harsh for the kids. While perhaps minimizing junk food and boob tube time, they must be encouraged to pursue playful activities that would develop physical fitness. These are important measures for them to trim the level of fat and holistically improve their physique. Aside from the physical aspect, they can hone their mental faculties to coordinate their body functions well. Playing with other kids through physical games will also teach them teamwork and competitiveness, both much-needed foundations needed for adulthood.

As it is for teenagers and adults, physical fitness is important for kids. The common but narrow notion is that cardio-vascular problems strike only adults. Statistics have since proven, however, that the causes for such diseases did not occur only in early adulthood. The causes that led to these started to develop even during the pre-teen or teen years. Therefore, if measures had been taken during childhood, the chances of acquiring heart diseases would have been lesser.

It would be cruel and rigorous to a kid though if the adult concept of physical fitness training is strictly applied on him. However, outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, sports and other kid’s games can encourage him to sweat out and burn calories. There are also fitness-training methods that are creatively and professionally designed to catch the kids’ interest. These dwell on motivating the kids to participate actively in fitness training sessions by simply making it fun and enjoyable, making it just another easy routine in a child’s day.

If you enjoy great fitness tips like these keep on reading. If you are interested about getting in the best shape of your physical and financial life, then visit my site Fitness of Wealth. Here you will learn from Jesse what it takes to get amazing results from being a top Beachbody Coach. It is his goal to help at least 1000 people achieve their fitness and financial dreams.

6/26/10 Al did 27 pullups at this years Marine PFT at age 64, see new video. (10/07/09 update: Martin was able to re-calculate the correct PFQ score due to an error in the 3 mile run distance, as a 297. Additionally, a former Marine also calculated the score at 297. Al says “Im absolutely good with that”) Al Moreno served as a Marine in Vietnam from 1968-1969. On May 18, 2008 at age 62 Al performed the PFT with other active duty Marines at Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California to achieve the highest possible fitness score of 300 points. Al is very proud to be a former-Marine saying “Once a Marine, Always a Marine!”. Al is an avid rock climber and works hard to stay in “Marine Corps” shape. In 1996, when Al was 50, he qualified for and was selected to participate in the American Gladiators show. The Gladiators show was cancelled a month later before he had a chance to tape a show. Al is a private investigator and specializes in personal training and security in the Long Beach, California area. Al is a great motivator to others and is available for personal training and speaking engagements. He can be contacted at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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