Picking the Best Abdominal Workout For You

July 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Roberto Sedycias

Picking the Best Abdominal Workout For You – Health – Fitness

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When people want to lose weight around their stomach, the first thing they think about is finding an appropriate abdominal workout to suit their style. There are many to choose from and you can pick either one or two or even a couple to incorporate into an exercise routine. When you are looking for a workout for your Abs, pick one that you will likely have more luck sticking to, and even one that you enjoy, to keep your success rate high.

An often overlooked AB workout that is simple and easy is the basic sit-up. It may seem old fashion but it has been tried and tested and it works! For the proper way to position yourself into the sit-up you need to begin on your back and have your feet firmly positioned on the floor. Lift up your knees while keeping your feet on the floor. Cross your fingers together and rest them behind your head, you will provide support to your head using your hands. Keep your elbows in and your head straight.

When you are ready, raise your head until you reach a thirty degree angle. When you do reach that point, stop and pause, at this point you can count to five or ten and then release slowly and lower yourself back down. For beginners a nice number to try is two sets of 8-12. For Intermediate you can try two sets of 8-12 and for the more advanced workout it is best to do two sets of 15-20. The simplicity of the common sit-up is so easy that it might fit well into your daily routine, it also costs nothing and once you get used to it, it is not too hard to do. The long term benefits will be more defined Abs and a smaller waistline.

If you`re searching for a more advanced abdominal workout, then you can try the abdominal crunch. For this activity you will want to get into a similar position as the basic sit-up, the only exception is that your feet are up on a right angle and your shoulders stay off the ground. This workout is intense because you`re always keeping your Abs moving so there is no break for them. To begin the exercise your elbows will push forward and touch your knee caps, they will touch, hold and then release slowly. This workout is also free and can fit into your routine, it is however, more intense than the regular sit-up.

Many people bring machines into their fitness world. There is the AB roller which is quite common and has been around for years. You lay down into the machine, move your arms up, rest your elbows on the pads and roll forward. Your workout is based on the slow rolling movements you do and the slow release position as you roll the machine back down. For beginners you can try doing two sets of 10-12. Intermediate can try three sets of 12-15 and for advanced people, you can attempt three sets of 15-20.

You can also try an AB weight machine at a gym. This is where you sit on a seat and place your arms and elbows on the sides. You will use your arms to pull down the machine and pull it forward. The weights you choose can vary and you can build up resistance and change the weight as needed. When you find the abdominal workout that works best for you, your stomach will show you the fruit of your labour!

About the Author

You can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

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Roberto Sedycias

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You can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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