Plyometric Exercises For Basketball

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

When you are training to learn to jump higher, be it for Basketball or Volleyball you will need to do plyometric exercises. Before you begin doing them be certain you have a base of strength from doing squats, dead lifts or other strength building workouts for your legs. This strength base is what is required to really get you off the ground and will help prevent injury from doing serious plyometrics.

The reason for doing plyometrics is build explosive strength in the muscles to permit you to not only jump but to do it with explosive power. The strength of the muscle plus the explosiveness will equal power and rapid acceleration. This explosiveness comes from the enhancement in the elasticity and neuromuscular reflexes. Listed below are some plyometric drills you can do.

Squat Jumps: Begin in the squat position with hands behind the head.

Jump upward as high as you can and land into the squat position and instantly jump again. The idea is to land and jump again quickly.

Forward Squat Jump: From the standing position jump up and forward as far as possible and instantly jump forward again keeping the feet on the ground as little as possible.

Single Leg Hop: With right leg in front of the left, push off with right foot into a forward jump. ImmediatelyInstantly upon landing jump again off the right foot and repeat. Change to the left foot and repeat.

Box Jumps: Standing in front of a sturdy box, jump up onto it with both feet or do each leg separately. The height of the box depends on how strong you are. Increase the box height as you get stronger.

For more information on how to improve your vertical jump skills go to Plyometrics For Basketball. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are fitness training and health.

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