Powerlifting Routines

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

“You will sense it; you will be awed by it; and your fellow men will indeed, as he has done for thousands of years, pay you homage”.

People do adore the powerlifters, be it because of their great physique or their strength. No wonder powerlifting training is becoming so popular these days. Such strength trainings are very beneficial; however, one must be focused, as powerlifting programs are often tiring. These programs also require one to gain lots of strength and follow some powerlifting routines.

The most important fact is to focus on bench press, squat and deadlift. It is a no-brainer for those who are already familiar with this sport form. Even though many fail to focus on their basic power exercises while framing their powerlifting routines, exercises like bench press, squat, and deadlift are essential for maximum muscle growth and one need not to be a powerlifter to incorporate these exercises in their workout routines.

Powerlifting routines require one to perform a number of bench presses, deadlifts and squats for building most of their muscle mass. When it comes to building muscle mass these basic exercises can help you to get the edge on other bodybuilding techniques.

Bench press helps in gaining strength for the upper body. Lie down on a bench; the back needs to be fully arched for forming a bridge. Make this bridge as higher as possible. Tightly squeeze the shoulder blades against each other. It will shorten the path of the bar and the lifter can lift more weight by using less strength. Drive the bar up by using the same technique.

Deadlift is a simple fitness exercise where one needs to learn and use proper techniques. The middle of the entire feet needs to be placed below the bar and the stance width must be comfortable. Place the hands shoulder width apart and grab the bar keeping the wrists and elbows completely straight. Relax the traps and while arching back place the hips lower enough to comfortably grab the bar. Hold the hip as high as possible; the middle deltoid needs to be slightly behind or right above the bar. In the second phase of deadlift includes contracting the hips forward and at the same time pushing the body entire weight from heels. Once the weight is above the knee level, place the knees in such a way to get a completely locked position. Follow the same technique while doing the descent.

Squat helps to reach the maximum lifting potential and to avoid possible injuries during powerlifting. Make sure the loaded bar is set at the chest level and settle it deep inside the palms. The grips width must be slightly wider than the shoulder width; this will create massive plateau in the trapezius muscles and upper back and will hold the loaded bar during the movement. Stand fully erect and touch the barbell with your chest; dive under to put the barbell on your back. It must be on the line where the rear deltoid meets. Now push it upwards and off the rack and then step back. While doing the second phase of squatting arch the back as hard as possible and look straight ahead to create a solid leverage point. While descending, unlock the hips first and then lower them down. Once the hamstrings are fully stretched, you can begin unlocking the knees.

Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of www.westside-barbell.com

We are a new team starting out of West Palm Beach, FL. This is our first official video and we will be uploading more. We are just beginning the sport and this was just sort of a warm up/messing around video.

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