Powerlifting – The Iron Game

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Praveen

Powerlifting is a modern kind of sport that dates back from mid of the 20th century. Sometimes it is considered as the “bastard child” of weightlifting. Powerlifting is a sport consisting of the bench press, squat and deadlift. The highest total muscle strength for all 3 lifts wins a tournament. Powerlifting, in most federations, involves three events: squat, bench press and deadlift. Some variations of this are found at some meets such “push-pull only” meets where lifters only compete in the bench press and deadlift, with the bench press coming first and the deadlift after.

Powerlifting gear helps at the bottom of the lift, but it does not help you at lockout. If you use gear, you MUST attack your absolute strength for lockout or you will not get the maximum out of the gear. Powerlifting in weight lifting is a technique that’s more advanced than conventional weight training. When you view powerlifting competitions, you’ll know that it consists of one-rep with three tries for bench press, deadlift and squats. Powerlifting is dangerous, no matter which way you slice it. Even if you do your one-rep with impeccable form, you will cause problems, the human body is not designed for that type of excessive overload time after time.

Powerlifting is a natural way to build muscle mass. A combination of strength training along with high intensity interval training will result in lean body mass and fat loss. Powerlifting is not for everyone. Strength training is not for everyone. Powerlifting comprises what i.

Powerlifting with forced reps will split more cells when pushing to failure and beyond. The critical balance here is between workout time and recovery time. Powerlifting routines help to make the muscle larger and stronger. The concept of resistance training for strength is very simple, the more you work the muscles, the more it will continue to improve. Powerlifting USA often reports results of prison weight lifting meets in their monthly publication. Articles from these magazines are grouped below followed by other miscellaneous articles.

Powerlifting bodybuilding and weight training articles and tips. For those serious about lifting more and building the body you want. Powerlifting appears to be sport specifically geared for individuals with Down syndrome. Athletes with Down syndrome who have been diagnosed as having the condition known as atlanto-axial instability, or those athletes who have not had an x-ray to diagnose this condition, are severely limited in the number of activities in which they may participate.

Related links : How to Learn Powerlifting in Short Time

Erin Walterman’s bench presses at the 2011 Arnold USA Powerlifting Championships in Columbus, Ohio on March 05, 2011. Stats for this meet: 1st Bench Press = 125kgs/275lbs 2nd Bench Press = 130kgs/286lbs 3rd Bench Press = 137.5kgs/303lbs
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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