Practice Anaerobic Exercises for Multifarious Benefits

January 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Kya Grace

Anaerobic exercises were initially considered to be only meant for body builders and people who want to gain bulging muscles. However, over time new routines of anaerobic exercises have evolved. With these new routines you can get all the benefits of anaerobic exercises even if you opt for getting a lean, ripped body shape.

Principles of Anaerobic exercises: The word aerobic literally means oxygen. Anaerobic obviously means without oxygen. As the name suggests anaerobic exercises are meant to be performed without utilizing oxygen. Since your body is not equipped to handle such a situation for long periods of time, these exercises need to be performed in short interval capsules. The effective principle which is the basis of these exercises is that oxygen is utilized by your body to provide energy for your actions. Now, if you perform rigorous exercises without using oxygen, your body starts burning fat to make up for the energy loss.

Main indicators of anaerobic exercises: Some basic indicators can help you realize whether you are doing an anaerobic routine. These indicators can also help you gauge the intensity of your workout. Increase in heart rate to up to 65-70% of maximum heart rate is a primary and necessary indicator. Hunger increases with anaerobic exercises because the metabolism gets a boost due to the routine. Anaerobic exercises are not supposed to leave you short of breath. In fact, if that happens during a weight lifting routine, it means you are not adequately healthy.

Main anaerobic training routines: Anaerobic exercises have evolved a lot. The routines are now based on different criteria and they solve different purposes. Weight lifting remains to be a popular routine of anaerobic exercises. Only the quantity of the weights are differed based on the amount of build up that you prefer. Make sure to use a spotter during any level of weight lifting. Interval training involves sprinting in short bursts but at high speed. The routine is a great cardio workout and is basically taken up by athletes. Isometric training involves using machine or manual resistance to increase strength and stamina. You should make sure to get professional supervision before starting up any of the routines for the first time.

Benefits of Anaerobic exercises: It gives an overall boost to the immune system. These exercises target fat burn and help in alleviating diseases like obesity, lower back aches and even arthritis. Strength training builds up lean muscle. It does not matter what shape you want to be in, with anaerobic exercises you get the shape and the fitness. Age reduces bone density and calcium in the body. Strength training can actually help in increasing bone density and prevent brittle bones or osteoporosis at later stages of life. Weight loss is obvious with the training but what you lose is fat and water weight. You gain muscle mass and get a trimmer and healthier body.

It is very clear that most of these benefits are essentially needed for everyone regardless of gender or age. Therefore, anaerobic exercises have ceased to be specific for body builders and professional weight lifters. It is necessary that you incorporate some of these routines in your daily workout to stay fit with age.

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