Precor 956 w/HR Treadmill – Remanufactured

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • 21 workout programs including: 2 Gluteals, 3 Heart rate, 3 Interval, 1 Manual, 1 Random, 1 Track, 4 Weight loss
  • Displays: Time, time remaining, segment time, distance, heart rate, watts, mets, calories, calories/minute, resistance, strides, strides/minute.
  • Heart Rate Monitoring: Built-in hand sensors…Accessory tray, Integrated reading rack, and a Water bottle holder…Speed: .5 to 12 mph in 0.1 mph increments
  • Incline: 0 to 15%…Running Surface: 20″ x 60″…Motor: 3.2 HP motor provides superior power and durability.
  • Dimensions: 82″L x 33″W x 62″H…Voltage: 110V (works on any standard outlet)

Product Description
Precor treadmills are engineered with a unique suspension system that reduces impact to your joints and back, making your workout more comfortable than walking or running outdoors…. More >>

Precor 956 w/HR Treadmill – Remanufactured

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