Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises

July 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Richard Butler

Pull up workouts – The benefits of pullup exercises – Health – Fitness

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Pullups are an extremely effective way of building both strength and endurance. They are very good for full body conditioning, particularly if you are an athlete or martial artist.Pullups are one of the most beneficial overall muscle and strength developers. This exercise (also called a chin up) is a simple body weight exercise for building upper body, back and core strength. Unfortunately this exercise is often overlooked/neglected in favour of pumping iron or machine weights at the gym. Why do PullUps?• A pull-up is a compound, pull-type exercise which works a large number of muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms (biceps) at the same time. An added benefit is that it works the abs as well as burning fat. Bonus!• Standard exercise for special forces and elite organization fitness testing• Improves grip strength significantly• Develop a V-shaped back• Impress your mates!!

As a judo black belt who needs to apply practical strength i do pull up workouts to supplement my judo specific training along with other cardio based home workouts and dumbbell training.

If you are new to this exercise or are out of practice a weight assisted pull up machine at the gym will help your muscles adapt to this challenging exercise. Lat pull downs machines should also help prepare you for a non assisted pull up workout. Once you have mastered the basics there are various different types of pull up you can do including wide and close grip: learn more visit http://pull-upworkout.blogspot.com/

I have a wall mounted pull up bar attached to my house for convenience, as a much prefer time efficient home workouts (especially as i am a new father with a busy work schedule). Other pull up bar include door frame pull up bars, and pull up stations, however, i have not used these.

Pull up workouts can be made varied and challenging by integrating them into explosive cardio circuits. There is also scope to attach weights to yourself or use a weighted vest if you become very advanced at pull up workouts. I am currently working on the twenty pull up challenge, and have improved consistently since i first started. Following a structured training programme, i have achieved positive results with good gains in my biceps, chest. triceps and shoulder muscles. Just need to work on my diet a bit more to get those abs.Good luck with your workouts.

Thank you for reading this articl.

For further information on pull up workouts please visit: http://pull-upworkout.blogspot.com/

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

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Richard Butler

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Ezine articles expert statusMartial arts and fitness enthusiast

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