Push Up Positions

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Destinylend

Push Up Positions – Internet – Free

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Proper push up training will give you one of the best upper body work outs possible. Done properly, it uses the muscles in your chest, triceps, back, abs and shoulders. Having a good push up position is vital so you can gain all the benefits from your push up training. There are several different ways you can do a push up, each with its own benefit. Using a push up bar is helpful, because a push up bar neutralizes the angle of your wrist and reduces the pain, allowing you to do more than you could do with your hands on the floor.

When starting push up training, there are several push up positions you can consider. One push up position which is good for beginners and for people who are recovering from an injury, is when you do a push up against the wall. Stand about an arm’s length from the wall and place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Lean forward while keeping your body straight, and bend your elbows until your face is close to the wall and push back.

The three quarter push up is an alternative to full push-ups. From a standing position place your hands on the floor and walk your feet back slowly and bring your knees down resting on the ground. Keep your body straight as you bend your elbows and bring your chest down to almost touching the ground and push back up.

To get into the standard push up position lay on your stomach, and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Your feet can be placed close together, or a bit wider whichever is more comfortable for you. Getting up on your toes, push up till your elbows are straight, and you are balancing on your hands and toes. The rest of your body should be kept straight.

To do the decline push, start by standing on platform about knee high and then adopt the standard push up position. This places a lot more of your weight on your arms and shoulders and is a much harder work out.

Of all push up positions, the most challenging one is the handstand push up which primarily works the triceps and shoulders. Slowly get into a hand stand using a wall for support, bend your elbows and go down as far as you can. It is good to have a partner for this one as he or she can hold your legs if you feel unsteady.

About the Author

Get ready for the summer. Get back in shape using push up workout.I am a fitness expert. If you need advise how to lose weight just email me. You can usepush up positions to lose weight now. Visit my website now.

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Get ready for the summer. Get back in shape using push up workout.I am a fitness expert. If you need advise how to lose weight just email me. You can usepush up positions to lose weight now. Visit my website now.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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