Requirement of Effective Exercise: Part III Endurance

April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

When you Rebound you fulfill the four requirement of an effective exercise:

Strength (covered in Part I)
Aerobic capability (covered in Part II)
Flexibility (covered in Part II)


Everyone wants endurance, not just the athletic type. Not one likes to feel the afternoon droop and end of going to bed while the sun is still out. I think most people want to have enough energy to be able to function throughout the whole day and to also have the muscle strength and endurance to be able to ac accomplish whatever task is presented or that we decide to do. Muscular endurance is important. It’s also important from a nutritional point of view in getting enough of the right and good kind of food to be able to have the fuel necessary for the day. We call that metabolic endurance.

Exercise doesn’t that make you tired? You would think that it would and in some cases it might.

When you exercise with a rebounder you are working your body at the cellular level. There’s a system called the mitochondria also known as the power plant or furnace and produces energy for the cells in your body. It does this by taking glucose and oxygen and transforming it into energy. When we exercise the mitochondria can divide and create many more mitochondria if needed. When our body is done with exercise the mitochondria goes back to normal or the same number of mitochondria. By having regular workouts the body is awake and knows how to regulate our energy source, which will make us feel a whole lot better throughout the day.


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