Reshape With Resistance Bands: Triceps Extensions

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Matthew Stevens

Reshape With Resistance Bands: Triceps Extensions – Health – Fitness

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There are many benefits to using resistance bands including the fact that they are flexible, inexpensive and simple to use, and can give you the same results you would get if you worked out in a gym or health club. There are many body parts that resistance bands are particularly effective on and one of the most difficult areas to target are the triceps. With resistance bands, you can tone and shape your triceps without needing to use any complicated machines or exercise equipment.

When using resistance bands always make sure to check the bands for any tears or rips. The band should be in good condition. Remember to breathe when exercising and let your movements flow in a smooth, graceful manner. Some people hold their breath and make the mistake of letting the resistance band snap back after each movement. This can cause unnecessary strain on the muscles as well as the band. Control the band with each movement to ensure the longevity of the resistance band and to get the best results from each exercise. If you find it hard to control the resistance band then you might need to drop to a lower level of resistance. It is very important that you are able to control the band, because without control you can harm your body, strain muscles or actually injure your arm or whatever part of the body you are using the band on.

Selecting resistance bands might seem confusing, but it shouldn

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