Resistance Training for Fat Loss

July 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jacob Turner

Resistance Training for Fat Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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More even than cardiovascular activities, resistance training – weight lifting – has been shown to be highly effective in producing fat loss. Participants in Williamsburg, VA, fitness boot camp and personal training programs have found this to be the case, experiencing significant results from routines which incorporate resistance. If you’re one of the thousands of people in Williamsburg, VA, looking for weight loss solutions, consider the following.One of the reasons weight training is so effective at accelerating fat loss is that muscle burns more calories, pound for pound, than any other tissue in the body. So, by building more muscle, you’ll rev up your metabolism. Another reason is the after burn effect. After a strenuous workout, you’ll burn more calories at rest for up to 36 hours afterward, due to the increase in metabolism stimulated by oxygen depletion. These two factors combine to produce some really impressive, fast weight loss. In addition to the traditional use of barbells, dumbbells, and pulley machines, other methods of resistance training, like resistance bands and body weight isometrics, are effective as well. If you’re working with a Williamsburg, VA, fitness trainer, you’ll get personalized advice on which exercises to perform, how to perform them safely, and how to gain the most fat burning potential from every workout. You’ll also get advice on your diet plan.For weight loss, resistance exercise routines should be short and intense. Heavy weights, lifted for 8 to 10 repetitions, for no more than 20 minutes per session, keep the body burning oxygen, which triggers the critical after burn effect. Rests between sets should be no more than 60 seconds. Alternately, a circuit approach can be adopted, in which you move directly from one exercise to the next, with no rest at all between them.It’s a good idea to mix up your workouts from time to time, to avoid hitting a plateau in either fat loss or muscular definition. You can do this by changing the sequence of your routine, or by doing something completely different every few weeks. In general, a single routine should not be followed for longer than a month.This isn’t to say that, if the routine has been particularly effective, you shouldn’t get back to it after taking a break. This is perfectly fine. By taking a break, you’ll have restored that routine to something that will challenge the muscles again, and you’ll most likely see a new burst of results.If you like group activities, a boot camp in Williamsburg, VA, could be a good fit. These programs are intense and fast-paced. You’ll still get some personal guidance, and if you have any restrictions, they’ll be taken into account. Boot camp workouts typically move quickly from one exercise to the next, using the circuit or interval principle, so you get a powerful full body workout in a short time.Whatever strategy you choose to reach your goals of improved fitness and weight loss in Williamsburg, VA, making high intensity resistance training a major part of your plan will pay off. You’ll lose fat and develop a more fit physique, with results beginning to show in just a few weeks, in most cases.

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Jacob Turner

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