Resistance Training For Women

August 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Lisa Perkins

Resistance Training For Women – Health – Fitness

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We see diet and exercise plans that are designed just for women, and there is a reason for this: the female body has special needs. For example, women who have children tend to lose a lot of calcium from their bones, so increasing bone density is a focus. It’s no surprise then that women are much more susceptible to getting osteoporosis and suffering severe injuries. Both men and women carry out activities on a daily basis, so we all need functional strength regardless of what type of work we do. Besides, women are now taking on jobs that involve using physical strength: construction work, police officers, soldiers, among others.

Resistance training for women will build strong, lean muscle, increase bone density, and improve your overall health.

Resistance training increases strength by pulling or pushing weight, either using dumbbells or bands. Resistance training is often mistaken as strength training; although they both develop muscles, the latter focuses more on lifting heavier weight. Strength training is geared more towards those who are into bodybuilding and want big, bulky muscles. Resistance training for women is a set of exercises designed to build strength and tone the muscles by lifting a lighter amount of weight.

Many women have trouble toning up their triceps and a few other areas. Resistance training can address these trouble zones and provide many health benefits, such as:

Promotes Stronger Bones and Muscles

Resistance training using free weights, machines, or bands can assist in building stronger bones and muscles. As the body gets used to lifting a certain weight, muscles break down and repair themselves to become much stronger. As women continue such routines, the increased strength will protect them from injuries and bone atrophy. Strong bones can help you avoid hip fractures, joint problems, and other related health issues.

Improves Physical Conditioning

Circuit training is a highly effective way to exercise, and it does include resistance training. In circuit training, the break in between exercises are kept short in order to keep the heart rate up. Kettlebells are wonderful for toning the entire body and getting your heart rate up. Also, the metabolism runs faster as you build more muscle, which in turn leads to burning more calories and losing weight.

Not to mention that you’ll look sexy and feel great about wearing that bikini during the summer. A lot of women like to focus squarely on doing cardio workouts, but resistance training is a must for all women who want to achieve optimal health. The benefits are numerous. Strong muscles will help you be active for the rest of your life.

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