Reward Yourself With The Benefits Of Physical Fitness

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Jim O’Connor

Do you realize how powerful the benefit of physical fitness is? If scientists could bottle it up it would be the most sought after medication on the planet.

Most individuals are unclear of how powerful exercise really is. Too many people concentrate on all the work that goes into being physically active, and fail to pay attention to the benefits of exercise.

The benefit you reap from physical fitness programs far out weighs any investment of exercise time. As a matter of fact, the benefit of physical fitness can be realized with only a few short minutes each day of physical activity. It really does not take much time before you witness fitness results.

After realizing what a small amount of exercise can actually do for you, I am sure you will quickly put on your workout gear and become active.

So how exactly can you benefit from a regular, consistent, time efficient physical fitness program?

The benefit of physical fitness shows up in both mind, and body. It is like getting two for the price of one. On the mental side of benefits are increased self esteem, and a general feeling of wellness. On the physical side of things include increased muscle strength, endurance, heart, decrease of blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, and a drop in body fat, to name a few. The list could go on for some time. If you are not physically active, you are making a huge mistake.

As mentioned, increasing self esteem is another reason why physical fitness programs are so crucial. Want to improve how you feel about yourself? Become more active, and reward yourself with the benefits of physical fitness.

As you can see, the benefit of physical fitness is surely powerful.

You are probably wondering if it is necessary to spend 5 hours a week on physical exercise. The answer is absolutely no. Even small amounts of exercise each day will enable your to see physical benefits. In other words, no hanging around all day in gyms is necessary for maintaining a physical fitness routine.

In order to reap the benefits of physical fitness all you really need to do is spend less than 1 hour a week being active. Break it down into 10-15 doable minutes each day. You can even break it down into 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 at lunch. Now 10 minutes out of your day for the benefit of physical fitness is worth is, isn’t it?

The key is to stay consistent. Some activities that will keep you physically active are housework, walking, gardening, biking, weight training, playing ball with the kids, and even parking at the furthest part of the parking lot.

You can always start easy, and stay consistent. Consistency delivers results!

For those who do not realize the benefit of physical fitness, read closely. For as little as 60 minutes a week, you will do your health, fitness, and quality of life tremendous benefit.

There is overwhelming evidence to support the benefit of physical fitness. Do not be afraid of spending a lot of time exercising. You do not have to in order to see maximum results. Get on the best fitness program for you today, and stay consistent. Your body will thank you.

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Discover why they call physical activity the best prevention pill you can ever take.

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