Road Runner Running Store

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Marc Pruitt

From running barefooted to running in shoes that cost a tasty sum’. Running definitely has come a good way. Today there is such a big selection of shoes available, it takes mental gymnastics to choose which shoe would be right for you! Come visit us right here for more info on Asics Gel Kayano Running Shoes. We are the greatest source of info on Mens Running Shoes today. It was in the last century that we saw so many changes in running shoes. At the start of the century, running shoes were easy rubber-soled plimsolls. So they look good, feel good and add up to better performance. Research in shoes pushed onwards and the necessity for speed and comfort produced even better shoes. 3 sorts of running styles were spotted. In the neutral style, the heels hit the ground, while the foot goes in a straight line as it moves forward. In the Pronation style, the heel hits the ground, while the foot moves to the inside as it is going forward. The Supernation style was a little different where the heel hits the ground and the outside of the foot moves forward. It was discovered that froth, silicon, and air gel handle shock. An even better product is ethylene vinyl acetate ( EVA ); a substance that has millions of tiny air bubbles that cushion and cushion shock. Some of these inventions were offshoots of the space research done to make clothing and footwear for astronauts! To find the perfect shoe, your biomechanical wishes should be studied. A ‘wet test’, is taken – that is, the shape of your foot on a dry floor or bit of paper. Based primarily on a few more tests, the right shoes are found. .Come visit us right here for more info on Asics Gel Nimbus Running Shoes. We are the greatest source of info on Mens Running Shoes today.

Come visit us right here for more info on Mens Nike Running Shoes. We are the greatest source of info on Mens Running Shoes today.http://Mens-Running-Shoes.orgMizuno Running Shoes

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