Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises, a Complete Guide

August 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Steve Kaiser

Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises, a Complete Guide – Health – Fitness

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Rotator cuff strengthening exercises are simple and require little or no expensive equipment. Every exercise can be done by everyone, safely in the home and with limited cost.


Strengthening exercises can be done with no equipment. Nevertheless, light dumbbells and elastic tubing (therabands) will make it so much easier and effective.

You can do without them, especially in the beginning, but these things really are not too expensive and will pay dividends in the long term. Yes, you could use a couple of tins of soup as weights; but they are not easy to hold. Similarly a pair of old pantyhose is a poor substitute for resistance bands.

Weight / resistance

Exercise resistance bands are fantastic tools for rotator cuff strengthening. I can not emphasise enough the role they can play. They allow you to exercise safely in all directions and to get a little creative. My advice is to get some and use them regularly. They help with the training and just as importantly they can make exercise fun.

It is important for me to emphasise the use of small weights. The rotator cuff muscles are effectively accelerators of arm movement. They get the arm moving. The larger surrounding muscles such as the Deltoid then take over. Exercising with too much weight simply results in the larger muscles being worked and brings no benefit to the cuff.

Be progressive

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