Running, the Ultimate Aerobic Exercise

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Margaret Le Monnier

Running, the Ultimate Aerobic Exercise – Health – Fitness

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Running is one of the most popular form of aerobic exercise in the U.K and U.S. Runners (or joggers) will tell you that not only are they achieving weight loss and general health benefits from their activity but also it’s addictive. Motivation comes a lot easier when you exercise out in the great outdoors.

That is good news especially in light of recent statistics from the US Bureau (Centre for Disease Control) which highlights the fact that approximately 30% of Americans are inactive; they do not perform any physical exercise, not even minimal activities such as gardening or leisurely golfing. Therefore when you do find individuals who are inspired to “get off the couch” because they are motivated to do an aerobic exercise, it says a lot for the activity itself.

But what is aerobic exercise and who should be doing it? Aerobics is a sustained physical activity that can be done as low impact (brisk walking, swimming, etc.) or high impact (jogging, running, kickboxing, etc.) that stimulates and strengthens the heart and lungs and thereby improve the body’s utilization of oxygen.

The beauty of jogging is that it can be done at any age and fitness level. Choose to run at your own pace where you feel most comfort, then as your heart and lungs strengthen through continuous workout, aim to challenge yourself a little more to maximize the health benefits.

The cardio health benefits of exerciseIn addition to weight loss, running and jogging has been linked to improved mental health (reduced depression, stress and anxiety symptoms) and reduced risks of cardiovascular disease.

Here are a few more cardio/aerobic exercise facts that are inspiring and will likely have you clad and ready to run through the door and onto a jogging trail:

1: There is overwhelming support from scientific research that links running to the growth of brain cells; it can decrease neurodegenerative disease onset, a common assault seen in the elderly. 2: Jogging is associated with the maintenance of vitality, youthfulness, and vigour. British scientists have discovered that cells of people who are active in sports and exercise appear younger on a molecular level.3: Research has shown that people who ran regularly increased the lubrication to the cartilage of their joints and strengthened the muscles around it, thereby reducing arthritic symptoms of pain and stiffness.4: People who run experience intense exhilaration and feelings of euphoria; research shows that this activity is an automatic mood enhancer and gives credibility to the description used by joggers who say they are easily motivated and addicted to running. Jogging makes you happier, increases self-esteem, and is fantastic for weight loss. There are many other motivational reasons to run including:

•Not having to wait on someone to direct your exercise, as done in an exercise class•You can run at your own pace and in your own time•You have the freshness of the outdoor air, and get close to nature

While running is a fantastic aerobic activity for everyone, individuals who have had problems with cardiovascular disease, and individuals who are obese may want to consult a professional before engaging in any strenuous form of aerobic exercise.

When you are ready to run, expect to reap the rewards of a better functioning body, feelings of relaxation, and a brighter outlook. What are you waiting for?

About the Author

Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. She is well known for giving intuitive and expert advice to people regarding natural approaches to correcting a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Margaret is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about the benefits of aerobic exercise visit her website at Natural Health 4 Life.

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Margaret Le Monnier

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Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. She is well known for giving intuitive and expert advice to people regarding natural approaches to correcting a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Margaret is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about the benefits of aerobic exercise visit her website at Natural Health 4 Life.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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