Secrets on How to Get Big Biceps Fast

February 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Guy Nadeau

Big biceps are great way to boost your self esteem, improve your image and get attraction from women. It is believed that men with big biceps are more attractive and have an active social life than those with small arms. In order to get bigger arms, you will have to do a lot of exercises.

However, many people get the wrong information on how to get big biceps fast. This leaves them disappointed and they lose hope of being able to add any more inches to their biceps in a near future. If you are among the guys who want to get big biceps the fastest way possible, there are several workouts that can help you to accomplish that.

Standing barbell curls exercise is a one of the key biceps workout. This exercise works the biceps directly while allowing you to lift a lot of weight.

To do this workout, you should stand with your feet almost close together and hold the barbell with your hands (palms facing in front) about shoulder width. Start with your arms straight and then slowly lift the barbell towards the chest, contracting your biceps hard as you reach the top. Hold it for two seconds. Then, lower the bar slowly until the arms are fully extended. This exercise should be done for several minutes and regularly. Standing barbell curls activate muscle fibers in a short time.

Another exercise of great importance in gain biceps fast; is the hammer curls. This exercise works the muscles to the side of the biceps, thereby giving the biceps more bulk. To do this exercise, start with your arms to the sides and your palms towards each other with a dumbbell in each hand. You should then lift and lower the weights slowly making sure that elbows remain to the sides the whole time.

Incline dumbbell curls allows you to complete a range of motions while stretching your biceps to their maximum capacity. This exercise is done while you are lying backwards at a 30 degrees angle. Hold a dumbbell with each hand and stretch the arms down and back. Then you should curl your arms up turning the hands towards your body and flexing your biceps. Lower the dumbbells back slowly to the starting position.

Single arm preacher curl enables the biceps to do all the work themselves. This workout is done with a preacher bench, holding a dumbbell in one hand with a firm underhand grip. You should then extend the arms over the bench; lifting the dumbbell to the shoulder and then lowering it back all the way down.

One of the exercises that has helped many people gain biceps faster than other exercises, is the chin ups. This is a very simple workout and all that is needed is a chin up bar. The exercise involved in this workout requires you to hung up underneath the chin up bar and pulling yourself for about 10 times. To maximize the workout you can attach a few pounds to a weight belt.

To gain big biceps fast does not only require exercises but also eating a proper diet. At least you should have an intake of 700 to 1,000 calories per day. Your diet should also include protein and complex carbohydrates. You should also make sure you eat before and after exercising. In addition to that, consume a lot of water to compensate for water lost through sweating.

Also you should not concentrate on just one body part but you should exercise other areas as well. Performing heavy and fast exercises also helps to get big biceps fast.

If you want to learn more about how to get biceps fast visit

I work night shift in a big Sign Company that deliver throughout Canada and the United States. For hobby I like to write, listen to some music and go to the gym. And beside, I like to take care of myself and the well being of family.

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