Secrets to a Good Muscle Workout Routine

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Jesse Regan

Secrets to a Good Muscle Workout Routine – Health – Wellness

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A good cardio routine and a complementing diet can be a sure-fire way for anyone to lose weight. One should not let the workout end there though. In fact, this is exactly the time to face new challenges in the fitness efforts, a step further towards having a better body. Otherwise, with no follow-up workout routines, one will just likely end up with a slim but weak-looking physique. One can lose weight effectively, however, gaining muscles and appear strong is entirely a different game.If one tries to look around a gym, he should notice that cardio exercises are not the only thing in its menu. The gym instructor may even suggest him to try also the weight machines so he can also develop his muscle. This weight training will exercise the muscles and grow them to replace the fat that had been rid of through the previous cardio routines. The effect, naturally, would be a body that is shaped strong and fit. This completes the fitness workout process.

A good muscle workout is needed, not just any sporadic visit to the gym and haphazard routines will do. There has to be a correct process that one has to stick to in order to get optimum results and prevent harm. The first step would be to plot a schedule that is neither too rigid nor to loose. A tight schedule may bring good results but the after-effects can far outweigh it. Workouts scheduled should have a couple of days in between as splits or breaks. Every muscle group should have its share of focus in every schedule. Concentrating on just one or two muscle group for the entire week can be cruel to the body.

The muscles in the legs, the torso, and the arms are those that must be given time to exercise. Any fitness instructor can teach how to exercise these muscle groups. The best routines for the shoulder and arms, where the biceps are located, are preacher curls, military presses, standing barbell curls, shrugs and lateral raises. On the other hand, Romanian deadlifts, calve raises, split squats or lunges, and common squats are great for the legs. Of course, for all those routines, one should have the barbell or the dumbbells as useful equipments.

These may be oftentimes unseen by the eyes, but the chest, the abs, and the back also have muscles that must be developed. Performing flat bench presses and flat bench dumbbell flyes are good for shaping the chest. Bent over barbell row, chin ups, and seated cable rows, when done correctly, will tone the muscles at the back.

When one thinks that a routine has become easy, he should increase the repetitions and the weights. Then again, this should not be done drastically but gradually, always taking into consideration of the actual and potential body strength. The objective, of course, is to avoid any incidence of muscle aches in the end.

About the Author

If you enjoyed reading about what a great results driven workout it is, then I promise you will love to see this. It is a great opportunity to get in the best shape of your physical and financial life. Contact me if you want to workout from home and make money doing it. Remember, everything I say has a guarantee.

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Jesse Regan

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If you enjoyed reading about what a great results driven workout it is, then I promise you will love to see this. It is a great opportunity to get in the best shape of your physical and financial life. Contact me if you want to workout from home and make money doing it. Remember, everything I say has a guarantee.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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