Seven Top Work Out Tips For Adding Hard Muscle Fast

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Ged McCabe

Seven Top Work Out Tips For Adding Hard Muscle Fast – Health – Fitness

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Workout tip no 1 – train using major compound movements when ever possible – reason being is that you need to do less exercises in order to work your major muscle groups.

Movements like the squat and dead lift will develop all the major muscles in your legs and back, which is where two thirds of your muscle mass is located. The dead lift works your entire body. There is absolutely no doubt that the squat and dead lift are the two supreme muscle builders – so make it a point to plan all your bodybuilding routines around one if not both.

For upper body look at the bench press, overhead press, dip and chin up – these are the absolute best upper body exercises ever invented. Also, don’t forget the shrug exercise – it really targets your Trapezius muscle which gives you that freaky look at the back.

Here’s your second work out tip – short, hard sessions in the gym, then plenty of rest. Four or more weight training sessions a week will not work because muscle grows at rest, so you need more rest days than workout days. If you train hard enough you will not be able to have four workouts a week, unless you have truly amazing recovery capability.

This is a common mistake – too many sessions but not working hard enough! If you’re used to four sessions a week and poor results, you’ve nothing to lose by cutting down to two sessions – but make certain that you do work hard. This should get you growing again.

Here’s the next work out tip – train hard! You must work hard enough to give the muscles the growth stimulus. If you’re only training twice a week you should be able to find the motivation to make each session count.

An important part of this is to add weight to the bar on a regular basis. If you add small amounts of weight your body will be better able to adapt to the extra stress placed on the muscles.

It’s really important to eat well – a much overlooked tip – most amateur muscle builders do not eat nearly enough food. If you don’t eat enough food to allow your muscles to grow, you will never make any meaningful gains.

Stick to high protein, good quality foods like turkey, tuna, chicken breast and eggs. Plenty of vegetables too. Watch the amount of saturated fat you eat, especially as you’re going to be taking in more food.

Make sure that sessions with the weights don’t drag on over the hour. After around an hours training your body will start to produce the Cortisol hormone, which will inhibit muscle growth. So two hard sessions a week, under the hour in length – you get some of your life back too!

A work out tip not to be underestimated is don’t get injured! I know that sounds trite, but nothing like an injury to ruin any chance of muscle gains. How do you avoid injury? Keep these two thoughts uppermost in your exercise selection – first, only do safe exercises that won’t harm your body and second, learn textbook exercise form and always practise it.

Never press behind the neck, never use the smith machine for squats, and avoid the bent over and upright row movements.

Here’s another terrific work out tip – cycle your workouts. When cycling workouts you need to create a gaining momentum, and this is done by starting out with lifts below your current abilities, and then working up to and past your previous best levels.

By dropping the weight below your best lift, you can build momentum to forge on into new personal best lifts, with less apparent effort.

About the Author

Understanding how to design and plan home workout routines that will work for your body is perhaps the most important part of bodybuilding.

Ged McCabe has created a complimentary 90 minute video presentation,

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