Skinnygirl Mini Stepper

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Conveniently designed for both cardio and strength training workout
  • Compact in size and easy to use anywhere in the house
  • Upper body toning with attached resistance tubes
  • Batteries Included

Product Description
The SkinnygirlTM Mini Stepper combines the unique ability to incorporate both a cardio and strength training workout. The quiet and smooth stepping action lends itself to fit in fitness anytime…while watching TV, on a conference call or when your children are down for a nap. The Skinnygirl Mini Stepper is an affordable alternative to large equipment such as a treadmill or an elliptical machine.

“I understand that food is just one component of a healthy lifestyle… More >>

Skinnygirl Mini Stepper

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