Soccer Fitness Training Basics

June 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Britney Smith

Soccer Fitness Training Basics – Health – Fitness

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A lot of physical training experts agree that soccer is possibly the most physically demanding of all the sports. There are many reasons for this, including playing on a very large field with no rest periods and a game that can last a very long time. Players sometimes cover as much as ten miles in a match, consisting of 24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards, and 2% moving while in possession of the ball. The game is played at such an intense level that the average player’s heart rate is 90% of maximum.

Aerobic Capacity

The greater a player’s aerobic capacity, the more ground they can cover during a match. Additionally, improved endurance also increases the number of sprints that can be completed during the game. The great thing about using soccer fitness training to increase one’s aerobic capacity is that it can be done almost anywhere at any time.

Weight Training

Weight training now plays a major part in conditioning programs for soccer players — not the old style where you did three sets of ten reps, but the new soccer fitness training style that includes a balance of explosive power and muscular endurance.

Some players could benefit from increasing their lean mass, but even they should focus on converting much of their strength into soccer-specific power. Another advantage of this type of training, is that it helps correct muscle imbalances. Soccer players especially are prone to developing overly strong quadriceps in relation to their hamstrings and a well-formed strength plan can address this.

Soccer Fitness Training Includes Diet And Nutrition

Just like the legend of soccer Pe’le discovered 40 years ago, you may be a lean machine, but you could be in danger of a heart attack just the same, if you have high body fat percent levels. Eating only natural foods and drinking purified water, gives the serious soccer player a big edge over his teammates and competitors who continue to eat junk food and drink soda pop.

Soccer Fitness Training And Mental Attitude

When you think of mental toughness and discipline does a picture of Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods come to your mind? Well it should. Painting a picture of where the soccer ball is going, before it gets there will give you a big edge on your competitors.

Another tip all of the great athletes of our time will give you is to always maintain a positive attitude and never stop giving 100%. By heeding this advice at all times, no matter how bleak the situation looks or how brutal the game was, or if you win or lose, you can walk away with your head held high. Keep this in mind during your soccer fitness training.

About the Author

Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

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Britney Smith

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Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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