Soccer Strength

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mark

Soccer strength is the basis to optimal performance in competition. It will help improve soccer speed, soccer speed-endurance and power.

Strength is the physiological basis to all movement. It even takes strength to get up out of the sofa!;-)

So it follows logically that soccer strength is also important in soccer-movement… and to no small degree. But… there is only one problem, right?

You know how there’s a lot of confusion surrounding physical development and strength training for sports, escpecially in soccer training! Three different “authorities” have nine different opinions, at the end folks just get exasperated, throw their hands in the air and say: “Never mind all this soccer strength-and-power-stuff, nobody can agree on anything, we’ll just keep doing what we’ve always done!!”

We will clear up this soccer training confusion here, once and for all. We will strip things down to the basics that work, and we will most of all keep things simple, so you can actually take this information and apply it to your soccer strength training right away:

Improving soccer performance; soccer speed, power and agility, reducing the risk of injury and going to the top-limits of your physical potential.

You don’t want to look back later on and wonder “what if”. Here is everything the player needs to increase soccer speed, get more power/to become explosive, to get into the best shape ever, the shape of his life.All that’s required is to take these time-proven training techniques and apply them.

Now I don’t claim for this site’s info and advice to be “the only correct method for soccer training on earth, ever!”, definitely there are several approaches that work at least fairly well.

But I can tell you this: This here is the best, cutting-edge and most up-to-date training information out there that I know of. It’s all tried, tested and true. Trust me; it works!;-) To improve soccer speed you will have to improve soccer strength. To improve explosiveness/power, first you must focus on soccer strength.

This approach to physical improvement has been used successfully for decades and has produced championship-titles consistently. Stronger athletes are faster, more explosive, “speedier”.This is the way to increase speed and power for soccer. Which brings me to the next point: Trust me, yes, but don’t just take my word for it, please don’t! Simply look at the results. The only rational aproach to soccer training is one that’s based on real-world results.

When what you’re doing clearly improves performane you know you’re on to something.

Ultimately, does it improve your game? Are you faster, more explosive, ie.: are your speed and power through the roof? This and other parameters can and should be tested regularly. So I encourage periodic testing of things like:

* Vertical Jump

* 10 meter-starts

* Velocity of the soccer ball(laser-gun)

* 1RM-Testing(your max in the main-lifts)

Some or all of the above should be tested every 4-8 weeks for increased motivation and also to prove that what you’re doing actually works.

I will say it again: With the soccer training information contained on this web-site… IF you apply it… you WILL produce the desired results, in other words: improve speed and power, improve physical soccer performance.

Strength is the Basis to Everything.

No Speed-Endurance without Speed.

No Speed without Power.

No Power without Strength.

No Strength-Endurance without Strength.

Strength is the Basis to Everything.

BUT: Hypertrophy(read: muscle mass) -in the right places, and of the right kind- Is the PLATFORM for Soccer-Strength.

Rationale: After initial gains, pure Speed/Power/Strength-Training will platform forever, further gains will necessitate an increase in Functional Hypertrophy, read: useable muscle-mass.

What that means is that to increase a quality like power beyond initial gains one must first increase strength. See the big picture?

Everybody and their sister wants to become more explosive. That’s fine, that’s what you need for soccer sure enough. But again: The basis to that explosiveness is strength.

This article was taken from

For the Best in Soccer Training, go to:

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