Sole TT8 Treadmill

February 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • Non-folding treadmill with 3.5-horsepower continuous-duty motor
  • Vibrant LCD display with integrated speakers and audio cable
  • 6 standard workouts, 2 custom workouts, and 2 HR-controlled workouts
  • Cushion Flex shock-absorption system; large 22-by-60-inch running surface
  • 425-pound capacity; measures 32 x 80 inches (W x D); weighs 300 pounds

Product Description
The TT8 treadmill from SoleĀ® offers a Cushion Flex shock-absorption Whisper Deck, which minimizes stress to hips, knees and ankles. A PolarĀ® chest strap keeps you on target while training, and a 15% maximum incline offers a variety of options for interval workouts. Inside Delivery: Includes delivery over the first threshold of your home; doesn’t include flights of stairs in the house, assembly or debris
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Sole TT8 Treadmill

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