Sprint Training For Performance

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

There are so many aspects to discuss when it comes to putting together a good sprint training program. Sprint training involves weightlifting, speed training, speed endurance training and bounding drills. But for now I am going to talk to you about the weight lifting aspect of a good sprint training program.

When it comes to weight lifting the sprinter should not be focused on building muscle. It will make it very difficult to run fast times when if they are running with too much muscle on their body. The lighter and more powerful you are, the quicker you will be able to run your race. The main focus of the sprinter in the weight room should be on the Olympic lifts. Examples of Olympic lifts includes the snatch, clean and jerk and power cleans. Just by performing these 3 lifts on a regular basis will help them improve their power dramatically.

It is usually said that the most powerful sprinters are the fastest and most consistent ones.

The average weight of an Olympic sprinter nowadays is about 180 pounds. In the past the average weight was about 160 or so. The reason why there is so much of a change is because coaches are beginning to realize the importance of the improving power in their sprinters.

You should only perform Olympic lifts on the same days you are doing your speed training. Some people believe it is better to perform the Olympic lifts before you speed training workout but I believe this will result in season ending injuries.

Next, If you are ready to take your sprinting to the next level with breakaway speed: Click Here

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