Strength For Distance – A Marathon Runner’s Training Program Formula For Success!

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by John Angel

Strength For Distance – A Marathon Runner’s Training Program Formula For Success! – Sports

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As a marathon runner your running workouts have to be well structured, but so do your strength training workouts. As an athlete you must always strive to enhance your body’s performance in every way possible irregardless of the type of sport you are preparing for. In other words, even though you are a distance runner this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work on building your strength as much as possible. Strength, speed, and power are all still important traits to have even for marathon runners.

As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you that if you are looking to be a dominant force within your sport you must advance your level of fitness. You see the key to fitness goes beyond just being able to perform a single task well, but rather being able to perform that physical task well over and over again. This is the key to being truly fit. Your marathon running training program should be no different. As you organize your strength training workouts for your running program you need to make sure to include lifts and exercises that incorporate whole body movements.

When you engage in whole body movements or multi-joint lifts such as Olympic cleans, kettlebell swings, and plyometrics you inject your body’s bloodstream with a ton of growth hormone causing you to rapidly build a high level of fitness and strength. By doing this you prepare your body better for the physical run that lies ahead. This is why the strength program is such a vital element within the scope of your running training program. By strengthening your body for both muscular power and muscular endurance you are less likely to cramp, sustain muscle fatigue, or most importantly an injury. By incorporating a well structured strength and conditioning program you enhance your marathon running performance in every way. You will be able to run faster, longer, and with a better recovery time. Strength training equals distance my friend!

If you haven’t taken the time to incorporate more of the strength element into your current marathon running program then you are only hurting yourself. Take the time to learn more about the secrets to strength by accessing my articles on kettlebell and other means of training for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!

About the Author is best for website called Marathon Experts. For more information about training for a marathon and to learn how you can successfully complete your first marathon visit

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John Angel

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