Strength Training and Weight Loss

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jaco Alberts

Strength Training and Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Can I do strength training in order to assist me with my weight loss program?

Strength training and weight loss? This can be two opposite sides of the coin! But wait, first you have to establish precisely what your goal is. What weight do you want to lose? Do you want to lose fat weight? Do you want to increase muscle weight?

You also need to bear in mind the shape your body is in right now. If you are battling with being flabby, you might be able to lose weight, even if you do collect muscle weight.

The second thing you need to know is, when you do strength training you need to know what your goals are. What people normally refer to when talking about strength training, is weight training. This means you will work out against a certain resistance. Often people shy away from this kind of training because it is associated with huge bodybuilders, power lifters etc..

But this is where your goals come in, and getting proper guidance. To illustrate what I’m saying; if your car starts giving you trouble, would you take to a plumber to get it fixed? No! Of course not! You would take it to someone who is capable to do the job! Now this is where I get confused. If someone totally messes up your car, you can always go buy another one (at worst you might have to walk a couple days – which might even be good for your health). But when it comes to our health, and looking after our bodies, we take risks, take advice from anybody and go on starvation diets. Hey guys, you have one life, one body!

To get back to what your goal is. When your goal is to lose weight, the first place to start is looking at your diet. Do some homework and develop healthy eating habits. Look at what you eat. How often do you eat. It might be a good idea to have more regular meals, but smaller portions. Start eating slower. By doing this you will realize when you’ve had enough sooner, thus you will start having smaller meals.

Combine your diet with a suitable exercise routine. Once you decided on your goal, and you determined what exercise routine you want to follow, choose your diet accordingly. In order to lose weight, you need to cut back on calories. But especially if you are going to do strength training, you still need to get the proper amount of calorie intake. You also need to consider what kind of strength training you want to do. If you do heavy weights, with low reps on each exercise, you most likely are going to battle with weight loss. This will increase your strength, and you will add muscle size.

It is a good idea to consider working out with lighter weights and doing more reps on each set. Do this maybe twice per week, and follow a good cardio program 3 times per week. This will cause you to burn the fat, and by strengthening your muscles, your body will use up even more calories. While burning the calories, you will be toning and developing lean muscles. Thus the importance of matching your diet with your workout routine, in order to make sure you still have enough “fuel” for your body to function properly without being depleted.

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To get excellent tips and expert advice on how to get the exact results you want, and improve your health, visit Create Your Own Healthy Lifestyle

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Jaco Alberts

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To get excellent tips and expert advice on how to get the exact results you want, and improve your health, visit Create Your Own Healthy Lifestyle

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