Strength training for seniors

September 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Clara Lusa

Strength training for seniors – Health – Fitness

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We all need to raise our level of fitness and enjoy the feel good factor that fitness brings. One way to do is through simple strength training. Several studies have shown that strength training is a safe and beneficial activity for adults of all ages. The benefits of senior sport (in Finnish: senioriliikunta) for senior citizens are clear and when combined with outdoor activities such as walking prolongs the life as well as increases quality of life among them.

The basic studies showed that strength exercise is effective for increasing muscle strength and size in senior men, senior women and even nursing home residents.One study was made at John Knox Village in Orange City, Florida where several elderly residents participated in the study to determine benefits of strength training. Dr. Mathur is the Medical Director of John Knox Village. He was very pleased with the patients’ progress, especially their improved functional capacity for the activities of daily living.

According to Dr. Mathur, the program participants exhibited better physical and mental fitness, more endurance, and less low back pain. From a practical perspective, he found the strength training program easy to implement in the nursing home environment. He noted that the strength exercises were simple to teach and uncomplicated to perform, with gradual progressions to facilitate muscle development in elderly individuals.

Norwell Form Function creates through its functions and unique design this possibility. Designed so all people, despite their age, can enjoy it in the park, or at work, in the schoolyard for children with their teachers, or in the sports club.

Their outdoor fitness product line includes several items which are designed for strength training. For example Norwell Form Function Back is a simple way to build up strength in the back, shoulders and biceps.

Back is easy to use as it utilizes the body weight of the user as counterweight.

It’s equipped with a rubber coated seat using a portion of the body weight of the user as resistance. This way the user doesn’t have to make adjustments and it improves the durability.It fits all. There are no adjustments and it is thus always ready to use. The basis of the training is repetition rather than work out by heavy weight training.

Norwell Form Function Sit Up improves those important abdominal muscles, thigh and hip. Sit Up has several applications and it’s easy to use and equipped with a comfortable rubber coated seat. Norwell Form Function Pull Up is an extremely flexible and all round piece of fitness equipment as it combines strength training of a long range of muscle groups.

Pull Up reveals the user’s strength in relation to his body weight–an indicator for the strength level of the upper body. It offers the user a long range of exercises such as chin-up, shoulder, grip and body lift as well as a variety of stretches.

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Do you want to know more about senior sports ( in Finnish: senioriliikunta )?

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Clara Lusa

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Do you want to know more about senior sports ( in Finnish: senioriliikunta )?

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